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Looking For Supervisor/mentor

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Its not that current appraisers are AGAINST training new folks, it rather is that the current environment greatly discourages it. From fees to liability to who can sign reports to who can inspect, etc. The government has made it very cost and time ineffective to try and train new people. Our fees, especially compared to inflation, continue to decrease, so there is less to split with trainees.

Most every current appraiser on this forum made tremendous time investments to get here. If you want to set yourself apart, you have to truly be willing to commit 4-5 years to learning this craft, and be able to convince a supervisor of this as well.
It is not dying, Lendors ordering appraisals thru AMC/Mills. they do not want to hire individual appraisers.

Residential volume gone down to a trickle, refinance work almost nonexistent, non lender work fiercely competed, Gsc's assigning more and more work to AVMs, AMC's in dire survival mode; allocating any resources (time, effort or money) in this field is futile in the long run in my opinion. Even if someone gets work, compensation below minimum wage after expenses even at full fee (plus liability). If addicted to this residential work, only way I can sustain is full time working spouse + uber driving. Good Luck.
Last 3 months, I tried to join with the supervisor, most of them I talked they discorage this field. what I hear was "Do not come to the appraisal field", "continue your real estate profession", "Appraisal field is going to die in 1-2 years". I keep hearing the same ****.

Few of them above 65 age group mentioned this is a dead field. I am a real estate agent, every sale i do or my office do we get "Appraiser report", why this field is dead.

I faced a few bad experiences in the last 2 months.

1) I sent several resumes to Chicago area appraisers( a few months back). During Christmas I got a call from one appraiser, he told me that he wants me to take as a trainee, within few minutes he told me one address, he wants me to visit one home and take pictures inside and upload. Then I asked about the company name and where his office location, he is not ready to give all the details but I had to provide pics of one home. I declined to visit his client home. After 3-4 day I called his office told them i want to meet appraisar and work with him. Office clerk/wife told me he is in europe on vacation. Office clerk told me that he just need my help for pictures. This kind of people misusing this profession.

2) One of my lenders referred AMC/some appraisal office. I visited the company, They told me they do most of the appraisal(80%) outside of Illinois. what they do here is data entry. Company asked me to start coming to their office a few times and they will decide my training. I told them I am not expecting any money at this point and I will help them and visit homes/prepare reports/get training to get my certification. They asked me you are real estate agent why are you coming to the appraisal field, I met several people they dont even have trainee license in that office, they are working like SLAVES. every time they do data entry they are entering $5 in excel, they told me that's what they get, they are doing the same thing for the last 6 months. One trainee guy told me that we don't learn anything here. they just use trainees to visit homes for photos for free or cheap data entry for minimum 2 years. my second visit they told me they are looking for people who don't have "Trainee" license. Then I realized they are misusing this "Trainee" system. Before training license, you need to work there for 6 months, as "trainee" another 2-3 years. I am not looking for this type of training.

Most of them I met they do not know how to use new tools, computers, One guy told me that to get "Certified Residential" it takes 5 years, 1500 work hours, 200 hr-education(as a trainee I already completed 75 hours). He told me he failed 6/7 times and completed education in 1 year. This kind of people working as an appraiser and trying to STOP people coming to this area.

If a person not visiting home, they just enter data to prepare the report, yes this is Bad profession, US govt should stop this profession or monitor how they do appraisals. I got 25-40 appraisal reports for my real sales(3-year time frame), 80% of appraisal reports are a piece of ****. they didn't select right comparables. They feel like NASA scientists.

I am ready to help residential/Commercial area. I have a master degree. Need genuine supervisor to teach me and add my work hours in a reasonable time. I will commit 12 months to 18 months only. I will keep trying to find the supervisor. I do not want to work with guys who misuse "Trainee"s.

The appraisers who are doing things like this are a pestilence on our profession. They are the single biggest threat to the our ongoing viability. A pox on them and their house.
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