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Manufactured Home - Switch report for indication of Modular home type.


Freshman Member
Dec 12, 2022
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I recently completed an FHA appraisal on a MH manufactured in 1992. Tax assessments and the borrower stated the dwelling type as manufactured. On site, I found no exterior HUD tags but did locate an interior certification label with manufacturer, serial/model number. No HUD numbers but there is a statement about the dwelling being built to federal codes. I could not confirm the undercarriage type due to their being a partially finished basement which had wall coverings (could not see joist).

The lender has come back stating that IBTS has no HUD data and, per manufacturer info for included serial number, the home is a modular. I spoke with the HOC who states with this conflicting info, it may not be a bad idea to ask for a past engineering cert or require one to be done for the foundation. I have asked the lender if they have one on file.

My issue being 1) switching this over to a 1004 and using stick built homes will most likely change opinion of value. Should I require them to order a new report? I will most likely use some of the same MH comps due to them being similar in quality. 2) Does IBTS ever get it wrong? The indicator they used to state this was a modular home was I inclusion of the letters AB. Per HOC, AB also means double wide for manufactured homes. The manufacturer is no longer in business and so there is no way for me to confirm otherwise.
Seems like FHA/HUD is a little fuzzy on modular homes. But they do refer to a SEB (structural engineering bulletin) and there are what are called category III states that they defer to the state building cose

Seems like FHA/HUD is a little fuzzy on modular homes. But they do refer to a SEB (structural engineering bulletin) and there are what are called category III states that they defer to the state building cose

Even though it flies in the face of the concept of "factory built housing", FHA has always considered modular homes as "site-built", to be appraised as such on the URAR form.
This is from the HUD site I posted. Might try contacting that department. They may have records

In 31 States, HUD has agreed to accept State approval of modular housing so that manufacturers do not have to obtain a separate SEB. These States are called Category III Housing States. In Category III States, housing units or building components that are subject to State regulations for design and construction receive a State label.

Regulation Contacts for Modular and Panelized Housing

David Cook, Bureau Chief
Building Codes Bureau
Department of Labor and Industry
State of Montana
301 South Park Avenue
Helena, MT 59620
PH: 406-841-2053
FAX: 406-841-2050
Email: dcook@mt.gov
Did it look like this?

View attachment 92079
It states "Compliance Certificate" at the top with date of manufacture, manufacturer's serial number/Model and Manufactured address, etc. Then it does include a photo of the country with heating/cooling information. All statements on the form indicate "manufactured home construction".
This is from the HUD site I posted. Might try contacting that department. They may have records

In 31 States, HUD has agreed to accept State approval of modular housing so that manufacturers do not have to obtain a separate SEB. These States are called Category III Housing States. In Category III States, housing units or building components that are subject to State regulations for design and construction receive a State label.

Regulation Contacts for Modular and Panelized Housing

David Cook, Bureau Chief
Building Codes Bureau
Department of Labor and Industry
State of Montana
301 South Park Avenue
Helena, MT 59620
PH: 406-841-2053
FAX: 406-841-2050
Email: dcook@mt.gov
Thank you - I will check in with them tomorrow.
It states "Compliance Certificate" at the top with date of manufacture, manufacturer's serial number/Model and Manufactured address, etc. Then it does include a photo of the country with heating/cooling information. All statements on the form indicate "manufactured home construction".

Is there one serial number or two?

Is the subject a single wide or double wide?

Just trying to put pieces together.

Also, did you do an interweb search of the Model/Manufacturer?

Probably glean some more information from that step.
Is there one serial number or two?

Is the subject a single wide or double wide?

Just trying to put pieces together.

Also, did you do an interweb search of the Model/Manufacturer?

Probably glean some more information from that step.
I appreciate the help.

Single Serial No. and Model No. Doublewide. I did search and the manufacturer is no longer operating and cannot find any matching info for the serial/model.

Per the ITBS letter - "According to our records, the home built by (manufacturer's name), with serial number GRXXX A/B was not reported to us as a manufactured home that was completed in accordance with the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards and the requirements of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in effect on the date of manufacture. This manufacturer serial numbers ending with A/B are for modular homes.

Per my call with the HOC, my knowledge and web search - A/B typically indicates only that a model is a doublewide. Just alot of conflicting info here.
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