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Manufactured Home - Switch report for indication of Modular home type.

Copy of the compliance cert I found in the dwelling. I have seen an exact copy of this certificate in a MH - that had HUD tags outside but those numbers were not on the interior certificate. Both dwellings were manufactured in 1992.


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That is very interesting. I've appraised many, many mfg homes over the years and have never seen one without the HUD tag # on the ceif compliance.
Its a manufactured home, but it looks like some how the data plate wasn't filled out all the way.
Yes- the exact verbiage I sent to the lender and stated to IBTS/FHA HOC per phone calls.

IBTS states that they never received information that this particular model/unit was reported as a MH and that the Glenn River serial numbers ending in A/B are for modulars. Hence all of my confusion.
The lender has come back stating that IBTS has no HUD data and, per manufacturer info for included serial number, the home is a modular. I spoke with the HOC who states with this conflicting info, it may not be a bad idea to ask for a past engineering cert or require one to be done for the foundation. I have asked the lender if they have one on file.

So, from your sentence, "the lender has come back....", meaning you have not seen or have possession of the IBTS letter, and your info is coming from a 3rd party (the lender).

Now that we have some additional information, I would:

Ask for the IBTS letter for my work file, provide a copy in the report.
Attach a copy/photo of the data plate in the report. (using this as support calling it a manufactured)
Subject to engineering certification. (to confirm manufactured by providing HUD tag info on certification) <---they will have access to the frame while inspecting

Pass the verification 'ball' to someone else. You have EXHAUSTED your scope, your expertise, your general course of business in gathering data. Someone (appraiser) messed up in the past and now the lender wants YOU to fix it.

And, I may not be right, but this is how I would handle it to both protect myself and the client. I wouldn't call a manufactured home modular just because a data plate is missing some numbers. NOPE.

So, from your sentence, "the lender has come back....", meaning you have not seen or have possession of the IBTS letter, and your info is coming from a 3rd party (the lender).

Now that we have some additional information, I would:

Ask for the IBTS letter for my work file, provide a copy in the report.
Attach a copy/photo of the data plate in the report. (using this as support calling it a manufactured)
Subject to engineering certification. (to confirm manufactured by providing HUD tag info on certification) <---they will have access to the frame while inspecting

Pass the verification 'ball' to someone else. You have EXHAUSTED your scope, your expertise, your general course of business in gathering data. Someone (appraiser) messed up in the past and now the lender wants YOU to fix it.

And, I may not be right, but this is how I would handle it to both protect myself and the client. I wouldn't call a manufactured home modular just because a data plate is missing some numbers. NOPE.

Thanks for your time. They did give me a copy of the letter.
This is a situation where your client is trying to make their problem your problem.
Found an old Thread on this forum about this current topic

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