It's crazy to think adjusting comps 1% and 2% makes any kind of sense. But the trend is, and I have said it before, in the near future we will be adjusting for everything whether we like it or not. Every software vendor is baking in artificial intelligence for photo recognition that will not only evaluate the report's photos but will scan the internet for the comps' photos and compare them. I have heard multiple times how the software is able to point out granite vs quartz, backsplash vs no backsplash, 1990s painted cabinets vs 2010 shaker cabinets, 10x15 patio vs 15-25 patio, brick vs stucco vs hardy board vs vinyl, etc. Every physical data point will be scanned by the AI software, and to the extent photos for comps are available on the internet (or from prior reports in a database-think appraisal portals scanning and keeping photo info for future use) those will be scanned too. The expectation is appraisers will have to acknowledge every difference and adjust, or as the "A zero adjustment is an adjustment" crowd has been pounding on we will have to explain the lack of an adjustment.