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Meet Wayne Mc Kerley

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Hey Mike,

Let us know who heads for the men's room when the check comes! :)

TC :beer: :beer: :beer:
Separate checks....please :lol:
Jim, No problem have a great time and safe trip! Looks like it is going to be closer to New Years for us anyway .... My schedule with my daughter is up in the air and it looks like we will be making the trip without her. Take care and Merry Christmas!!
Thank you TC for buying the first round of brew!
What a neat surprise to have the waitress come to our table and announce that one of our fellow members had called in long distance to treat us!
Waaaay classy....we were impressed and grateful! :D

Our group ended up being Wayne, Mike G., Patti J., Ross, Roy S. and me. As usual with this kind of gathering the time isn't long enough to cover all the things we could have talked about. There certainly weren't any gaps in conversation. :)

Our mystery man behind the curtain turned out to be exactly the type of person that his posts would suggest. An all around, down-to-earth nice guy....with the added bonus of being easy to look at. It was a pleasure to finally get to meet him.

Mike, Roy and Wayne....I think I highlighted my hair too blonde last week. Forgot to give you your elk burger before you slipped away....I'm sorry! :(

Let's definately get together more often!
Oh darn....I was looking forward to an elk meat loaf for new years day too!

Fun time for all who attended! Too bad some who said they were coming didn't show.

TC, we lifted a glass to you...that was very very nice of you to do. Hopefully we will get a Forum gathering soon that will include many many of us (like Las Vegas maybe?)
TC, .....An equally expressed "Thanks" from me, and the others, on your gracious long distance picking-up-of-the-tab on a round of adult beverages at our lunch gathering today. Holiday greetings to you too, and wishing you could have joined us.
Thanks to everyone who was able to attend the lunch today at the Rock Yard Brewery in Castle Rock!

Thanks to Mike Garrett for buying my lunch and drinks! :beer:

Thanks to TC for buying the first round for everyone! :beer:

Thanks everyone, it was very enjoyable, let's do it again!
Was he not Able to get off the floor or what? :lol:
Originally posted by Doug Bingham@Dec 22 2003, 05:27 PM
Was he not Able to get off the floor or what? :lol:
Actually, this photo was taken shortly after he tried to deliver my birthday spanking. Just a little trouble getting into the upright position, but he'll be okay.
;) :lol:
Ohhhhhh! OK! So THAT'S what happened to his thumb!! Way to go Mike!! :lol: :lol:

Happy belated birthday btw!!!
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