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Meet Wayne Mc Kerley

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Originally posted by Pamela Crowley (Florida)@Dec 22 2003, 07:22 PM

Class act TC!
(@%$&*^!!!, wish I'd a thought of that!)
Ditto here!

Looks like a fun time. Sniff, sniff. :( I hated to miss it, but between awaiting the oncoming sticker shock from our builder's quote, remaining assignments to complete, Holiday preps (behind again due to biz. Oh well, could be worse) and the lingering flu/cold critters we can't get the kids over, we just couldn't swing it.

BTW, TC isn't the only one with class around here. (although I really must tip my hat to that gesture. Really cool!) I believe there's quite a bit of class throughout this here Forum, all in the photo and numerous who couldn't attend.

My warmest regards to all, and best wishes for a safe and wonderful Holiday!!
As always... a day late and a dollar short here ;)

TC, as everyone else has stated thanks for the surprise. You were there with us in spirit. :beer:

It was great finally meeting the man behind the machine so we could thank him for the incredible job he does here for us daily. Kinda like meeting the Wizard of Oz :mrgreen:

I had fun and it was nice to meet the other Colorado forumites as well.


Man, I haven't got that kind of response for buying a round of drinks since I sprung for a 1/4 keg back in my 70's frat days! Course, back then it was only 9 bucks for a quarter keg of Schlitz, whatever happened to that beer?

Sounds like a good, albeit short time was had by all. I recall a Florida meeting a few years back with a few Forumites. Why not circle the wagons around the next Valuation seminar? It's organizational friendly, AI, NAIFA, ASA, NAR, and AGA people were in attendance. I think there were only 4-5 of we posters there for the 3 day event. Rumor has it it will be in Vegas next year. It was a good deal for the bucks, and of course, it was a write-off.

Just a thought.

Hey Mike, did DeeDee really do that to you?

I heard you hooked a striper that peeled the reel. The bandage was from the line tearing up your thumb.

How about Wayne working some magic and fixing your avatar pic with that one?

DeeDee, not too blonde. You are the one that defies the stereotype.
It was not a bandage!!! I haven't a clue what it was..to be honest???? We had a good time, my only problem was I had inspections later in the afternoon and didn't want more than one beer since I was driving.

Ok Ross...where is my elk burger????
Originally posted by Bill Potts@Dec 30 2003, 05:51 AM
DeeDee, not too blonde. You are the one that defies the stereotype.
Well that's kind of you to say, Bill.

Have to admit that from time to time I'll use that blonde stereotype thing to my advantage when I screw up. If I say I'm having a 'blonde moment' people seem to be more sympathetic and forgiving....like it's some kind of pitiful incurable handicap that they should accept and make special accomodations for. ;)

Of course this doesn't work very well when I use it on other blondes because most of 'em don't get it. :lol:
Dee Dee,

(Refering to photo)

Is that a pistol I see poking out from behind your jacket? If it is, I take it all back. Honest.

Nope, that's the ever present cellphone :rolleyes: .
atc,........Very observant, you are. I saw it too, but you know Dee Dee, she does not want cause any alarm. She was definitely "packin' heat", but she purposely removed the clip for the safety of all concerned, before entering that adult-beverage consumption establishment !

Mike, I do have a few of Dee Dee's elk burger packs in my freezer....with your name on them. Let me know when you are going to be driving near my 'hood'.
Well, Ross I will have to agree with you that Dee Dee could very well be "totin iron".

And Dee Dee,

I would think that most individuals whom casually carry on a dialouge of one type or another for a time develop an image of what the other correspondents actually look like. Well.
When I saw your picture I was shocked. Stunned. No, you look just as I thought you may, very very close.
Quite a delightful suprise and don't call me stinker. terry
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