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Model Home Sitter Trys To Kill Off Appraisers

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Charlotte Dixon

Senior Member
Jan 16, 2002
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
This V.A. Appraisal appointment blew my mind. New builder blows in to town and sets up shop. Model home goes up and the sitter of the model is not a Realtor. New construction sales have been swift, and now they are beginning to settle. I walked in, introduced myself as the appraiser working on Lot #__, the second 2 story house to settle here. Sitter (not direct quotes here) says she has been very busy and I should have called first, then told me to sit down. I sat. I told her I just wanted access to Lot # ___. She hurriedly flipped some pages and said ...here's a comp for you...I only have one! Then she said she had a couple of ranchers for me to use, but of course, she said, that is up to you. Yes, I said, you're right. Then I told her I didn't need comps, just access to Lot #___, which should be at least 95% complete now since it settles in 2 days. I was beginning to lose patience with this ill mannered idiot. Then I asked was there any other time I could come to do an appraisal inspection, in case I was assigned other appraisals here, and indicated to the sitter that between 1 and 5 p.m. may not always be possible. (Actually I was wondering how I could avoid this experience again) NO! You are to call 24 hours in advance, she said. And NEVER come on Saturday or Sunday! She said she didn't have 45 minutes to "help" every appraiser who wandered through the door because the place was full of buyers who need her. I told her I have a collection of 12-15 master keys that builders have given me. And, was it possible if...........NO, she said. She went on to say the company doesn't work that way. There is no master key. And by the way she said, I'm going to be very brash. YOU PEOPLE need to learn how we do business, and the Realtors down here are "...can't quote that here..." Just then a buyer walked in to finish signing an addendum. The sitter jumped up ooohhhed and aahhhed and talked with him 4-5 minutes. I quietly left, found the construction trailer and asked the superintendant to open Lot # ___. The rush appraisal was completed in 48 hours, total. I called the head honcho listing agent...and he never called me back. The listing partner called and apologized but said she never saw that side of the sitter (I guess not). The welcome mat was not out, I was not given a packet regarding the subdivision, amenities, plat plan or models. This is the opposite of what every other builder in the area does. The good part is the Veteran went to settlement and got the home he wanted. Her side of the story???? The appraiser had a bee in her bonnet.
The Times They Are A Changin'
Isn't it amazing how some folks have a very high opinion of their importance. All you needed was simple info & assistance, surely that is not asking too much.

Recently did a refi in a PUD, the development was 1 year old. The model home sales lady was tooooooo busy to assist me by answering some generic questions about the PUD. I would need to make an appointment. Mind you I was the only person around and it was not even close to quitting time.

I told her not to worry. I would just let the owners know that there refi would take 2-3 weeks extra to process since I could not get info from the sales office, and must not revert to letters to the builders and developers and await their written reply. Guess what, she decided to start responding. I found out later that many of the homeowners had a class action law suit against the developer, because he had misrepresented the school district.

If the 'drown them in sugar' routine doesn't work and they insists on not being helpful, I do what TE does. Fine, I'll tell all involved that I cannot get the cooperation necessary to complete the appraisal and that they all have to wait for you to decide to let me in and give the necessary information. By the way, there is an additional $100 trip charge if I cannot get what I need right now that is fully explained and referring to your name as the cause on the invoice. Then I walk out and do exactly that if they don't fall all over themselves to help.
There is always get her card, or main office through information, asked them were can you get a key for access, they will say the Model Obcourse, but they do not have time to give me access, the sitter is is page flipping, asked them to please call while you wait, (still standing in Model) when phone rings smile :D
Isn't it amazing how the whole world assumes they are busier than we are and we should be on their schedule. "I work or a living, the only time you can come out is before 8 or after 7". But, somehow when that is not posssible you find out they are going to be home all day on Monday or they have a wife at home all day. "I am too busy, call me later". I swear you would think we were demanding indviduals. However, I am as bad as they are because I would probable argue that I was busier than they are. When I explain that I have a family that I have to spend time with (five kids, softball, baseball, basketball, volleyball, etc) they usually come around. What I can't stand is when they want to chew us out because they were supposed to get a drive-by appraisal and the loan officer promised them that I would not have to bother them. Then I have to explain that the loan officer doesn't decide what kind of appraisal is needed and that I really am not responsible for the confusion.
I have had some of all of the experiences shared above; one of the "best" was an empty development home, and selling agent gave me an extremely hard time over the appointment. This time was no good, that time was no good, afternoons no good, mornings no good, weekends no good, and so on.

We finally set a time and day. That morning, it snowed about 3"--no big deal. I made it to the house at the appointed time, and waited half an hour. She was, of course, a NO SHOW. I left a written note (proof I was there) and asked her to call. I then made it a point to call the applicant and told them I was sorry, their mortgage committment was going to be held up because the realtor did not show for the appraisal appointment.

A few days later, the agent called and paged me about six times. When we finally spoke, she told me she would meet me "anytime", just let her know when to be there. (I was tempted to ask her what time would be least convenient for her)

Long story, but the bottom line is this: Its our word against "theirs" (homeowner, r.e.agent, sitter, builder, etc.) and my best advice is to ALWAYS let either your client or the applicant or BOTH immediately
know that its' not you who is being hard to get along with.

Many times it is easier for the agent or homeowner to blame you rather than take the blame themselves for not allowing timely access.
I have had the same problem many times here in Texas. The two absolute worst that I have encountered are Kaufman & Broad Homes in Mansfield Texas and First Texas Homes in Grand Prairie Texas. Your description of the sitters attitude sounds like a dead ringer for the egotistical and selfish jackasses that are "salespersons" for the aforementioned outfits.

BB in Texas
What is all the fuss over no shows or late arrivals. I wait 15 minutes past the appointment time (made in advance) and then leave. I call the client and let them know what happened and that the invoice for 50 to 75 % of the fee (depending on client, the higher end going to those that demand comp searches before they commit, "most of the work is done at this point RIGHT?" says I) is on it's way and to please provide me with a reliable access person if they want me to complete the appraisal. Boy does the phone ring quickly and my availabilty becomes extremly limited for the next week. " is there anyway I can do it as a rush?", of course but it will cost you 50 to 75% of the original fee says I.
Thanks for your comments. I know what I did wrong, now. I was too nice to begin with. But, Pam, I couldn't drown this sitter in sugar if my life depended on it. She was rock hard! But, I do know a couple of appraisers around here who could have snapped her back to reality pretty quickly by saying....either you open the house up, have someone open the house up, or I'm outta here. Then the V.A. appraisal request along with the 1805 would be sent back to the lender and the regional office saying "NO ACCESS" because of obstinate model home sitter. You would think the builder/real estate company could come up with another idea for saving money. First impressions do count, or, don't they?
This topic is one of my buttons......I've had it with rude, arrogant, and idiot agents. I really miss the good old days when these idiots started shaking in their boots at the thought of an appraiser showing up (and I think appraisers are to blame for this lack of respect and cooperation we are now experiencing). It's a two way street, once I get this attitude from them I hand them my business card and tell them to call me when they are ready to sell and cooperate, and I start to leave. This usually gets their attention. If not, I call lender and tell them that the agent refused to cooperate. The buyer then calls construction site. Within short order to get full cooperation.
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