You guys really don't understand it, yet Ca. does. How do you explain that ? They're dumb ? OK, suuuure(wink wink)
MB's kept me busy when the banks were slow. If I can get a reputable MB to deal with, then why not do a comp check. Reputable ones have always kept me busy, no pressure. Besides, it's always bugged me taking money from the homeowner, who was barely making it, and then not making value. As a public service why would you want to take someones money if you know the value isn't there? Isn't that a little bit like selling a box of pizza at full price knowing there's only a slice in the box.
USPAP states a value must be numerically expressed for there to be an appraisal. You guys really still think that without an expression of value an appraisal has been done??!! As long as a value isn't "numerically expressed" there is not an appraisal. Ca. is right and you guys are wrong. Ha ha. At least practically as it'd be impossible to prove in court verbal agreements in much the same way a verbal contract means squat.
An appraisal must be numerically expressed as a specific amount, as a range of numbers, [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]or as a relationship (e.g., not more than, not less than) to a previous value opinion [/FONT]or numerical benchmark (e.g., assessed value, collateral value).
LO : We need a value in the $250k range. Me : What's the least you can work with and I'll have a look. LO : Well, really we only need $190k. Me: Yeah, that's doable assuming the property is as how you've explained and it's not needing repairs. LO : Cool, get your $750 from the HO and if there's any problems give me a call. Me : Okie dokey
See, it's not an appraisal because a value or range hasn't been expressed. A benchmark of $250k yes, but there was no numerical expression by me of a value that could be proved in court. In otherwords, I didn't send an e-mail with a value and I didn't write him a note with the value or range. It wasn't "numerically expressed" to the point where it could be proven that a specific value or range of value was conveyed. It's another case of he said vs he said. If there's more than 2 parties that hear your expression of value than that could be construed as an "appraisal" as it's more than just the word of one person against the word of another person. I do understand your miscomprehension with the term "numerically expressed". Numerically expressed means a conveyance in written form of an analysis. My scoping out the market around the subject doesn't qualify for 2 reasons. As Greg said there's been no contract decided yet between us for an assignment and the value wasn't "expressed" in the terms in the spirit of which the doctrine (USPAP) was written. I'm not going to argue this point, we've gone over it plenty of times already. Ca. agrees with me and that's enough for me. It's not enough for you, fine.
You need PROOF for there to be an appraisal.
OK - I'm starting to think you're just scrwein with me lol. You need proof to claim anything.
........ LO : Well, really we only need $190k. Me: Yeah, that's doable assuming the property is as how you've explained and it's not needing repairs........
...............It's another case of he said vs he said. If there's more than 2 parties that hear your expression of value than that could be construed as an "appraisal" as it's more than just the word of one person against the word of another person...................