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NAIFA email

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Dennis J. Black ASA IFAS

Senior Member
Mar 5, 2002
Professional Status
Certified General Appraiser
I am placing this post largely in response to a thread below that troubled me terribly. I was a regular poster on the old forum, but since the change I never bothered to register, however I cannot watch this discussion without comment. For the record, I am a NAIFA National Director, as well as the Chair of the National Education Committee. Neither of these positions pays me one nickel, nor do I receive any reimbursement for my expenses of any kind, including running the instructors clinic and attending the national board meeting (March 16, - 24). So the comment about feeding the dictators is a misrepresentation. It costs me money to do this. Also, we are NON-PROFIT association.

You ask what we do for the profession. We spent over $500,000 fighting against the increase in the deminimus level. We hold over 100 courses each year, which members may attention FREE (16 hours each year). We have the finest HUD committee in the land (watch the HUD/FHA chatroom over there for one week), and they are in constant contact with HUD's Washington office. I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.

We are over 2,700 members strong and looking to grow. The Guild has never said how many members it has. It only mentions the AFL/CIO members. We also offer discounts on E & O insurance, shipping and other member benefits. Then comes the kicker. I get my dues back many times in referrals.

Did you know the AQB is looking to require appraiser's to have college degrees and increase the educational requirements to more than double what they are currently. NAIFA members know.

The email was not intended to scare, or intimidate you. It is meant to show you the handwriting on the wall. Good times will not always be here. Interest rates will increase and AVM's will take more and more market share. Get involved. As Pam Crowley says "Do something". Even if you don't think NAIFA is for you, do something. Like you, we are working appraisers and we are trying to fight a multi-headed hydra. The more people working in unison the greater chance we have of winning.

If anyone would like to talk about NAIFA I may be reached at 941-743-8613 or via e-mail at dennisjblack@msn.com.

Thank you for you time.

Dennis J. Black, IFAS
I think your Post indicates the problem with Appraisal Organizations, and that is, that they never look from within, and now they are on the verge of extinction like the rest of the Appraisers.

The Idea of creating unity in the Profession is too little too late. I think that I read someplace a few months back that one of the Appraisal Organizations have partnered with organizations who have been identified as trying to eliminate the Appraisal by not requiring appraisal Reports.

Do you intend to envite them into your group also. I might be mistaken, but it seems as if that would be self defeating. It dosen't seem as if you could have unity by mixing apples and oranges, or mixing people who have cross purposes.


I am not a member of NAIFA. I am not a member of any organization with the exception of the Virginia Association of Realtors Appraisal Section, where I am privileged to serve as a Director on the Board of Directors. I am the only non Realtor on the board. I have a long association with the NAIFA in that they have been kind enough to allow me to post comments on their forums for at least the last 3-4 years. When I want to cut to the chase, and get straight answers, there is where I look. I also post my own thoughts, opinions, and give professional input on subjects from general, HUD/FHA, Residential & USPAP issues. No one has ever asked me for a dime to do that. I have never been hounded to join the organization, although I may do so. NAIFA has had the most influence of any professional organization in developing the 4150.2 HUD Handbook, and if I want an answer to a HUD question, I look there first. Having taught seminars on the 4150.2 from coast to coast, I believe I know a lot about HUD. However, when I have a question, I ask on that forum. I also know a lot about USPAP having taught it since 1988. However, when I have a USPAP related question. I ask there first. I belive what NAIFA is trying to do in getting organizations united is very noteworthy, and commendable. I think this forum is great as well. My comments are not intended to take anything away from the great purpose of this forum. Most of the commentors on the NAIFA forum, also comment here as well. It is a small mind that cannot see a great purpose. NAIFA's attempt to unite us all is such a purpose. I may yet join them in the effort.

Don Clark
I heard someone say just recently, "they are either wid us or agin us". Why would someone pay dues in an organization that thinks it a good idea to try and attract individuals who are trying to destroy their livelyhood. That's the same as paying for your own destruction. I don't know of many people who would support that type of approach as a solution to any problem.

Why do you find it necessary to attack the Guild? Appraisal organizations have failed to protect the economic interests of appraisers. The Guild does not set out to replace other appraisal organizations, in fact Guild members are encouraged to maintain membership in professional organizations.

Unfortunately those in power in organizations such as AI and IFA seem threatened by the success of the Guild. As a labor organization the Guild can legally take actions that professional organizations can't. I would suggest that you reconsider your attitude toward the Guild. If your organization would cooperate with the Guild both the professional and economic interests would be better served.

Even though I'm not a member of an Appraisal Organization or the Guild, I think you are right. IFA's email seem to indicate that they are willing to partner with other Appraisal Organizations disreguardless of the fact that some are working against the best interest of the Appraiser and the Appraisal Profession. It seem as if the Guild could be a viable Partner. Anyway, as you so clearly indicated, the lack of quality leadership from these Appraisal Organizations has been a contributing factor in the decline of the Appraisal Profession. Everything is happening on their Watch, and to contribute due's money to these organizations is contributing to one's own demise.

Walt, you write,
"Why do you find it necessary to attack the Guild? Appraisal organizations have failed to protect the economic interests of appraisers."

I could not recall any attack, so I went back and reread the thread. I did not find anyone attack the AGA. The guy said he could not get a straight answer on membership. That is not an attack. That is a fact. For years, I have been unable to get one either; and you did not provide one.

The "attack" is your second sentence, quoted above. As I posted in another thread this week. Folks posting on behalf of the AGA can't help but blas the organizations.

I would be interested to know, the number of members the AGA has. I would also be interested to know if you are an apprasier and where you got you training. I ask about training because nearly all the appraisers I know got all or most of theirs from the professional organizations. It seems kind of strange since they put us all in business that you would describe that as failing our economic interests. They gave me the tools I use at work every day. So your remark is like someone telling Black and Decker they failed the economic interests of the carpenters - or like telling the medical schools they failed the economic interests of the doctors.
Of course it was an attack. No other organization was mentioned. The Guild will work with anyone for the betterment of appraisers. The Guild id not designed and does not want to be involved in educational programs, the existing professional organizations do a good job. These organizations do a bad job protecting the economic interests of appraisers.

As for your personal questions. I am, of course, a working appraiser. I operate my own small office in south Jersey. I am a former SRA candidate. I left the Institute when it failed to protect FHA fee panel appraisers. Most of my appraisal education has been Society and Institute courses, I have also taken IFA courses. I find the IFA meetings to be friendly and informative. I feel that these professional organizations do a good job with education but a poor job protecting and advancing the profession. Expecting the AI or IFA or ASA to advance appraisers economic interests is like expecting a cow to bark, it can't be done.

In a perfect world the AI, IFA, etc. would stand behind the Guild for the benefit of all appraisers.

Keep one thing in mind, All the Appraisal Orgazinations have all the answers, but they have not been able to find any solution to the decline in the appraisal profession itself.

Walt, you say,
"Of course it was an attack. No other organization was mentioned. "
No other organization calls it an attack when someone asks how many members they have? And you still dodged the question. In three decades in business, I have never come across an organization so sensitive and secretive on one of the most basic and obvious questions that reasonable people ask.

"Expecting the AI or IFA or ASA to advance appraisers economic interests is like expecting a cow to bark, it can't be done. "
Well, then, I know three barking cows, because all three of those organizations advanced my economic interests, not the Union. If what you say is true about being an SRA candidate, then at least one of those organizations advancec your economic interest too.

So what is your master plan to advance my interest? You gonna make Congress pass a law to force people to buy my appraisals, evern if they don't want or need them?
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