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NCAB verses Tom Hildebrandt - The case of the clueless board

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If general good will and focused intent of this forums members is worth anything, you lawyer should have enough wind at his back to steamroller the bad guy opposition.

Ok Mixed metaphors :oops:

In plainer english our thoughts are with you and OFR you.

Thanks for taking the time to keep us informed.

Lee Ann
To All: Let me clue you guys in on the inter workings of NC. Everything in the state is political. Even the judges are elected. They have already taken the licenses of two other appraisers on the same charge. Don’t make the mistake of thinking they will have a fit of conscience and rectify their wrongs. That will not happen. They will circle the wagons and protect the bureaucracy. For example, look at how the national news media reacted to Clinton when he was on the ropes. Even Tim Russert of NBC came to the rescue when the Washington establishment was threatened. They won’t give up without a fight because they can’t afford to. Too much at stake here. If Tom wins, their heads will roll and the establishment won’t let that happen. Tom's only hope is public opinion and that news article is his only prayer.
If you want to help Tom write the NC legislators, governor, etc., and let them know how you feel. Numbers and pressure are the only language these people understand. This case is not about right and wrong, it is about politics, power, pride, ego, and their god-money.
Where do I write the NC persons in charge?

Better yet where dow I FAX/E-mail etc???

I would also like to add perhaps writing our HOME officals and protesting this matter would bring others into the loop.

Lee Ann
To All: Let me clue you guys in on the inter workings of NC. Everything in the state is political. Even the judges are elected. They have already taken the licenses of two other appraisers on the same charge. Don’t make the mistake of thinking they will have a fit of conscience and rectify their wrongs. That will not happen. They will circle the wagons and protect the bureaucracy. For example, look at how the national news media reacted to Clinton when he was on the ropes. Even Tim Russert of NBC came to the rescue when the Washington establishment was threatened. They won’t give up without a fight because they can’t afford to. Too much at stake here. If Tom wins, their heads will roll and the establishment won’t let that happen.
The only prayer Tom has is public opinion and that newspaper article is a gift from God. If you want to help Tom, let the legislators and governor know how you feel. Pressure and numbers are the only language these people understand. This case is not about right and wrong, it is about politics, power, pride, ego, and their god-money.
yeah and I say again: let us to threaten their money and power through exposure...
Someone mentioned that you were a nice guy for not file complaints in retaliation. I think you are making a bad situation worse by not filing with the with AI or filing a law suit.

If this is an accurate summary, it speaks for itself

"Yesterday went as expected. Mike Clapp MAI testified to his value conlcusion ($24,000 P/A) that he did nothing to research the property history outside of the actual 48 acres in the take ( a 8.2 acre piece was taken by the airport, settled at about $50,000 P/A and had been under contract to another buyer at $75,000 P/A) and that he accepted without question his clients (expressed by a third tier bureaucrat) determination that the project was Fed Ex. He also admitted that he accepted without question the clients depiction of the flood plains and wetlands. "
Someone mentioned that you were a nice guy for not file complaints in retaliation.

I would call it keeping (or clearing) your good name and rep. As Austin notes, "justice" is not always based on what is right, and I agree. Haven'e seen TOO much of the court system, but just enough.

I'm :x :evil: on your behalf, and surely not alone. Same :twisted: could happen to anyone of us. :(

If general good will and focused intent of this forums members is worth anything, you lawyer should have enough wind at his back to steamroller the bad guy opposition.

Fire up that big diesel engine, because sails are not likely to do the trick. It's not hurricane season is it? :?

May the best man win (that's you). :wink:

Good luck too. It couldn't hurt. :!:
Damn Tom, another reason why I quit commercial appraisal in 1993. NCAB must be real idiots. I guess they are trying to take residential away now. You can come to NM and retire in a territorital spanish ranch house on the Rio Grande and forget about the NCAB .... BS.
Gary ...
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