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New Trainee In Los Angeles

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Not everyone is out to get everyone else.

I'd be glad to help, but hours in my State would be useless, and, beside that the op might want to be paid.
There's a subforum for trainees with a lot of good information in it. Even the info that is dated is still mostly relevant. So don't be shy about spending some time perusing a couple hundred of those threads. Having done that, if you have any questions that pop up then come on over to one of the other subforums to ask.

Thanks George! As you said, I'm not out to get anyone. Just looking for a start.
We understand you're looking for a start. You're getting a little pushback from some very experienced appraisers because their perspective of where you are right now is a lot different than your's is. From our perspective it will take the average person at least a few months before we even let them put the clown shoes on, so you haven't even made it to that point yet.

IRL I worked for other people for 7 years before I dared to present myself as a self-contained entity, and even then I maintained a close relationship with the appraiser I considered to be my mentor for another 17 years after that until his retirement, meaning I sometimes used him as a sounding board or sought his input on certain situations because I knew he had previously been there and done that. I did that because I thought it was in my best interests to do so, and I count myself a more proficient appraiser as a result.

Your mileage may vary.
IRL I worked for other people for 7 years before I dared to present myself as a self-contained entity, and even then I maintained a close relationship with the appraiser I considered to be my mentor for another (my edit - to add it continues still)
I started 8/06 with the firm I started with. Became CR in 2/09. Started my own firm 1/13 with a very amicable split from the firm/owner and still to this day (just talked to the owner a few weeks ago).
It is important to NOT approach this career as "just getting your hours" rather than getting the experience to become a benefit to this profession and your mentor/firm.

Like George (and I'm sure many others) I put in 6+ years of my life into this thing before going on my own. And to be honest, I probably would have stayed a bit longer had it not been for the financial *&^&*%*&* (I think the official name is the Great Recession) going on at the time.

Getting your foot in the door is one of the biggest hurdles you'll have with this profession, but it won't be your last. As I've said before on here, becoming an appraiser is something you have to WANT to do. It's not for everyone. I wish you the best of luck. (y) :beer:
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