Some things need to be caught up on; there is a portion of the business where MLS photos are acceptable / there is a portion of the business where someone else can provide inspection / there is a portion of the business that accepts not leaving the Office and there is a portion of the business that requires boating.
With all the New tech gadgets (drones) why hasn't the "driving the comps" moved forward to the New Age ?? Is it really necessary any longer ??
Your Big Data - CU does not include "Photos", it is Big Data; it uses rocket science, not photo's;
There are programs being used, produced by outside entities that can provide; Photo's / measurements etc; and also Googlearth;
Distractions while driving will become a bigger issue in the years to come, are we at a point where agent photos should be recognized ? Thru Agents we do get to view interiors of comps., where years back we would have no clue what interiors looked like. As a preference, driving the comp. photos may provide current updated exteriors (date of sale should be a preferred method) I always include the MLS photo's when changes are noted. If I'm driving to the subject, why would I not drive the comp. area's anyway ?? No need for photo's. It would take the reviewer 10 or 15 minutes extra to view everything from their Desk Top; if a question exists, I request a Field Review to capture the falsification of the neighborhood data. An interesting business time, while moving fast Forward, we still have to move *** Backwards, and the "consistency" is where ??
Just sayin