of my hunting buddies came home to find his wife dead, hung between the garage door and her car hood. Grim. As admin of my cousin's estate, his estranged wife got it all and he had a brand-new car. I helped her get tags for it, but she put it back in his garage (they lived separately) and left it for weeks before finally going and getting it and pulled it out and the old garage door had to be closed from inside - no remotes. She closed then promptly put it in Drive and smacked the door. Called me all panicked and I said I will handle it. So, looking it over I realize it had no safety switch. So I replaced the door, the drive unit and had safety switches installed as well as remotes. Liability issue.
As for the 4000.1, it is really not that bad...but there are a number of folks who offer a CE course on FHA appraising- take one. You get your CE credit and will refresh your skills for FHA assignments.