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Newbies Please Read This

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Why don't you let Pam respond to my post? All I'm saying, there is a reason a few of the Newbies ask the questions they do. Apparently they/we would like a second opinion on a specific topic and don't have the time to search through all the posts to see if there has been a duplicate question asked. SO WHAT if we ask a question again. What's the BIG DEAL.......? :eyecrazy: :eyecrazy: :eyecrazy:
Sorry Ed, I cannot allow Pam to respond to your post.
I know Greg....I wasn't referring to you, thanks for seeing my point of view. I thought Appraisers have thick skin. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
As a trainee, I understand Pam's original post. I am sure that is frustating, answering the same questions over and over everytime someone new signs up. I too am lucky to have a very knowledgable supervisor and I too am guilty of wanting to show him that I am trying to improve myself and my skills in excess of his training of me. I do use the searches first but then sometimes post anyway to see what new ideas come to light. Basic questions being asked over and over, I think, would annoy anyone. (Are we there yet? Are we there yet?) Specific questions, I don't think anyone has a problem with questions that are specific or of a nature that is viable for group discussion, but the very basic questions, like Pam said, that could or should be learned in a class or from a suitable sponsor that are asked again and again could annoy the bark off a tree.

When I owned by auto parts store I had a cast iron pig that sat on my cash register. On the wall behind the cash register was a sign that said "Asking for credit is like talking to a pig. It wastes your time and it annoys the pig!" I think that is what Pam is trying to say. Questions like "What is USPAP?" ....... annoys the pig ......"How do I find a sponsor?" ...... annoys the pig .... DON'T ANNOY THE PIG !!

NOW ...... does anyone have any good information on Dairy Farm Equipment valuation? Maybe a good Website or some other resource that they could share with me?? :rolleyes:

** and before this gets out of hand .... I am not saying that Pam is a pig ......
I'm sorry that some of you are offended but, that's just too bad. If a newbie appraiser isn't frustrated and sometimes offended, they're not learning very much!


I am talking about questions that make me question if you've even taken the initial appraisal courses.

It's a FACT that there are way toooooooo many newbies out there doing appraisals on their own. THOSE newbies are the ones ruining this business. If you've taken the initial appraisal class, you still know almost nothing. But, with a hands on supervisor that DOES go on your first inspections and DOES review your work WITH you, you will learn.

On top of that, this newbie/wannabe section was put here BECAUSE we had so many newbies asking the same questions over and over again. We experienced forumites have answered those same questions over and over again. If we didn't want to help you, we wouldn't have ever answered them! I don't want this to come as too much of a surprise to you but, we do have our own paying work to do. Please use the Search function. There is now a post at the top of the newbie/wannabe section that explains how to use the search function.

I know you want the answer right away. With the mentors here that VOLUNTEER their time and effort to help all of you coming in and out of the forum, it probably is faster for you to get your answer through the seach feature than waiting for one of us to find your post.

I've been on this forum probably close to 4 years now. I was amazed and in awe at what I could learn. I was flamed a few times for a dumb question or something I had misinterpreted or for a simply stupid response or for asking something that had already been extensively discussed. More than anything else, I wanted to learn more so I kept coming and learned to search for what I was looking for first.

There is a massive amount of information here FREE. Please do take advantage of it. If you go away offended, it's YOUR loss.

Yes, some of us appear quite negative about appraising. After a while, it's hard not to be when those of us that are trying to do our job honestly and ethically and knowledgeably but the clients are financially holding a gun to our heads to do it wrong. There have been HUGE changes in appraising since licensing in 1991... add in the AVMs and the AMCs taking the jobs and a large percentage of OUR money.... add in the HUGE amount of unethical ones taking on the HUGE amount of trainees and either teaching them the WRONG ways to appraise or not teaching them at all.... Now add on the HUGE amount of trainees the schools are pumping out and not telling them the truth about what to expect.

We are volunteers here and are ready and willing to help you newbies.... AFTER you try to help yourselves. We're not paid to help train you as your supervisor is and I resent and am most angry at the supervisors that are not training you or are training you wrong!!!!!

Maybe.... just maybe.... it's your supervisor or yourself you should be angry with. The experienced appraisers here that have and will continue to answer your questions are all unpaid mentors to you. We don't have to answer your questions. We do because we care. This thread will help those that really want help.

My added two cents.

If ANYONE has a question, tell us what is, where you have looked for an answer, who you have asked (supervisor, mentor, co-worker) and that you CAN NOT FIND THE ANSWER.

THEN...perhaps someone on here knows the answer, knows where to FIND the answer or has experience and/or knowledge from personal experience.

If you have questions about appraisal board rules in your state LOOK IT UP, USPAP questions....LOOK IT UP. mortgage laws in your state...LOOK IT UP

Once you have made some effort and still have the question....post it here and someone and likely many someones will be GLAD to help you.

In short....don't be a lazy appraiser. Many folks here will HELP you...but only if you are trying to help yourself.
This Post is comical, I can't believe it still going. Probably because of my lack of *** kissing comments. If you have a question, Post it!!!! WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL. So what,you answered it once before. If you don't want to respond to the question DON'T just press on and go to the next. This is an OPEN FORUM to all that want to use it. If the "POST POLICE" are unhappy, get over it. :o :o ;)

I'm sick and tired of the one sided responses. I know some of you reading this feel the same way I do, but you don't want to respond for fear of being controversal (spelling?) This is my last response in this POST. I'll see you in other threads. I'll appologize now. If I post a repetative question. I'm sorry................. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Pam you have to admit that after you posted your original POST that this was going to happen. SORRY.......
No problem here Ed. You have your opinion and a right to it. I'm not offended.

Pam you have to admit that after you posted your original POST that this was going to happen. SORRY.......

Yup, and I did say so in my first post.

*** kissing

I don't think so but, that is just my opinion also. I don't have a brown nose and don't care for anyone getting one from me.

Controversy is good in appraising because it makes us think. As MHMerriman said, some of the newbie questions have made the rest of us think again. That's a very good thing and I always look forward to questions that provoke new thought and ideas. I already know that I'm not always right.

I'm guessing that you are most upset because maybe you like to buck anyone 'perceived' to be an 'authority' figure. It sometimes goes along with being an independent thinker but can get in the way of progress also. I get tackled here once in a while only because of being one of the 'post police' and that's pretty much the only reason for a few. But, sometimes it's because I made a ill thought out comment and really do deserve it. I'll apologize when I make a mistake and have many times on this forum. I'm very uncomfortable when others jump to defend me personally as I'd rather have them just agree or disagree and state why. I hope you can look beyond my being a "post police"; sometimes it gets in the way. Maybe you're noticing only the parts of my posts that annoy you and not reading them all the way through? I don't consider this thread a mistake at all.



Thanks for moving the 'how to' and to all who responded.

Newbies be aware that MOST of the folks who respond in this forum are well intentioned people who recall what it was like to muster up thier courage to ask a 'stupid' question and get dog-piled with "Boy, was THAT dumb" responses.

The post-police try to chase of the nasty folk, and leave the well-meaning.

I am directing this STRAIGHT at Ed, whether he reads it or not is immaterial, anyone getting to this point in this thread needs to know: That search function IS how many of us answer repeat questions... instead of recreating the wheel, we search AND TELL YOU HOW WE SEARCHED to find the answer to the repeat question.

We are attempting to teach you how to fish, not keep handing you a cleaned cooked product. Deal with it and learn. Good Job Mr. Ipock.
Originally posted by Ed@Nov 15 2003, 05:04 PM
Pam.....Has it ever occured to you in your perfect little world. That most of us are working with only one SUPERVISOR and would like to get another point of view regarding a question we've probably already asked our SUPERVISOR. Then again why do you even have a Post for Newbie/Wannabes anyway. I'm offically offended with your POST. Keep it up and I'll leave this discussion site as fast as I joined. I happen to learn alot from other Newbies questions. You should be ashamed of yourself. :angry:
Oh please.
You're all being too nice. :rolleyes:

I had no objection to Ed's opinion, he's entitled to it.
How it's presented is another matter altogether.

This post was delivered like a teenager having a tantrum, starting with a personal insult on the messenger and concluding with a statement that was the equivalent of 'I'm gonna run away!'.

We have over 9,000 members in this forum and most of those who post are contributing something to help others. Most know how to post like a reasonable adult with consideration for the others who will be reading and with a level of maturity and professionalism that commands respect.
That is WHY we have such a strong and growing membership, and that is WHY so many pros continue to frequent this forum.

I personally wouldn't miss one member who's biggest contribution is a post like the one above.
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