You asked for feedback, so keep that in mind as you read this. I shall assume that since you are asking for feedback that you really don't understand the ramifications of suggesting this as a good course of action for other appraisers. So from that perspective we're glad you asked.
The company I work for doesn't want to do this, but once I get through my trainee period, he will allow me to still work for him but do this arrangement.
Are you seriously considering this? Have you ever read the "Appraiser's Certification" form that you sign along with every SFR appraisal you complete?
6. I was not required to report a predetermined value or direction in value that favors the cause of the client or any related party, the amount of the value estimate, the attainment of a specific result, or the occurrance of a subsequent event in order to receive my compensation and/or employment for performing the appraisal. I did not base the appraisal report on a requested minimum valuation, or the need to approve a specific mortgage loan.
How can an
appraiser reconcile a business arrangement wherein they will not receive payment unless the loan closes, or will not receive an assignment unless they agree in advance to provide a predetermined value? Especially after the appraiser
certifies that they didn't do it?
I am very sure that such an arrangement would turn out very profitably for anyone who engages in it because it basically guarantees the clients will get more 'useful' appraisal work that hits the desired values; because the appraiser will not get paid unless they hit the value and/or otherwise obscure all negative information that would get in the way of that desired result. Under this arrangement, the clients only pay for appraisal work that is guaranteed to enable them to fund the loan. The clients might as well just do it themselves and sign their own name to it because once the appraiser's compensation is contingent on the results, their impartiality is, at the very least, open to question. Especially after the appraiser lied and said they weren't engaged or paid based on these results.
In my state, appraisers have lost their licenses and been severely sued for such offenses. It completely violates our professional ethics, not to mention just good common sense. And this is not just my opinion, either. It's a fact.
Don't do it, don't hang out with people who do it, and don't encourage other people to do it. If what you say is true about your supervisor allowing you to continue working for him while you do this arrangement, even if its only for your own side work, that doesn't speak well for him either.