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No, I'm not working Mother's Day, I told him!

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How is it that they will find the time to wait for the phone company or the cable guy from 8-12 or 1-5, but don't have an hour for an appraisal?

I recently had one of those "I work for a living" guys. What did he think I do? Insisting he was not available during the week. He started to get nasty, and then I said-well you want the money not me. How important is it for you? His answer-how about Monday morning?
I only do inspections on a weekend in extreme situations. One reason is that in my market area, South Jersey, the only way to get dependable information on comparables is to visit the tax assessor's office. Those offices are open during normal business hours and that's when I work!
I only do inspections on a weekend in extreme situations. One reason is that in my market area, South Jersey, the only way to get dependable information on comparables is to visit the tax assessor's office. Those offices are open during normal business hours and that's when I work!
I am having the same problem as everyone else here, and it seems to be getting worse. More and more people seem to be asking for unreasonable appointment times. But that is not my biggest beef. Return phone calls and getting appointments set at all is getting harder and harder to do. I don't know what it is, but around here, the borrowers are getting bigger chips on their shoulders. If I have to leave three messages on a machine to get a call back...
Besides having a hard time scheduling people for inspections, I've been having a lot of cancelations, no-shows, and other wastes of my time lately. Just yesterday I was at a person's house doing a "rush order" for a company. (I was caught up with everything anyways, so I didn't mind the extra order.) I show up, the order is supposed to be COD, I get done looking at the place, sketching, etc.........and the home owners decide that they want to think about it, and they'll get back to me on whether or not they want an appraisal done........of course no COD. Unfortunately business is kind of slow right now, so just have to take it in the shorts and not flip out or anything, don't want business to slow anymore over one missed fee.
They will wait all day for the furniture to be delivered which they spent days shopping for($200 love seat ie)
But the cant set aside 1-2 hours of their day for our service which will either save them $ every month, put $ in their pocket, step in selling their castle or save their home from whatever problem their hasty decisions have gotten them into.

They also spent 0 time shopping fior the $350 apprasial which they want finished in record time.

I am rarely late and we give them a 1 hour window for which I will arrive.
I call if running late.

They are miles from civalization and they want to know exactly when we will be there!LOL

They put us off for days and days, the due date gets closer and closer, now its a rush to hit the due date...as you leave the HO ask "whats it worth?"(of course..must think Im a mental giant as I always say "I dunno must check into sold sales") and then they say this it has to be done by tomorrow so we dont loose the lock.....!LOL UGH! LOL UGH LOL!

Had a sale scheduled last week in a far off county(for us) but since we had 3 others in the area we took it. REALTOR has us call seller direct(her son or something), aptmnt set with HO wife. No problem. HO husband gets home from work or whatever calls office at 4:30 friday(apt is for saturday AM and report due tuesday). He is "out of town on Saturday" and has to be "at HIS house when anyone is in his house"(1,000sf ranch no basement, lower end value). Lets see its been listed in the MLS, on lock box and every Tom Dick and Harry Realtor has tramped through the property-wonder if he was there?
Im obviously pxssxd! I say "whatever how about monday @ 6", he asks AM?! no PM. OK he says , I say good bye and hang up. He calls back reading me the riot act how can I speak to clients this way and who is my boss etc etc. "Sorry long day"
Tells me he is an appraiser too(couldnt find him listed in state data base) and blah blah blah...I explain its out of our area and we would like to work it in with a couple other deals in that county..then he says "cant win them all" ..remember he's an appraiser too..
I called requestor and unaccpeted the deal. They couldnt find anyone else to do it....LOL
I called requestor and unaccpeted the deal. They couldnt find anyone else to do it....LOL

I love it! Funny thing, I've done that a couple times just in the last month. It's about time we start shutting down when we're talked to like dogs!
When I was in New England I'd work Saturdays & Sometimes Sundays When I had my Heart Attack all the work seemed to get handled without me for those several weeks. Now here in AZ 9-5 Mon thru Fri Sometimes not past 4 But sometime I'll start at 7AM Then again there are days I don't work at all. Cause somebody came out to visit Wants to see the sights. Now whats more important seeing the sights or working. Have a life threating experience you'll find the answer. You people with CHILDREN SHAME on U if u work weekends SELL your KIDS to someone who'll take time to show em the sights.Yes SELL EM cause it seems money is more important then the CHILDREN!!


I can not believe the number of people that inspect on the weekends. Sometimes on saturday evening, if nothing planned, I may do a little office work.

But as a rule, I dont work weekends. Period. I have no trouble telling clients oor borrowers that. If a client asks, I always ask if they will be in their office so I can call them if there is a problem. When the dont say anything, I say, yeah, I dont work weekends either. If a borrower asks for a weekend appointment, I politely say no. If they become more hostile or start the "i am a working man" crap, I ask how comethey can make a weekend appointment if they work? they always say, beacuase I dont work weekends. I reply. Yeah, me neither.
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