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Numbers Game: Find Lender Who Will Accept Appraisal

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Many good points have been made, and addressing all would be a bore to the good readers, but permit me a few observations:

I took offense to the Bruss article because it gave the impression to the applicant (and any other non-appraiser reading the response) that they could hire any appraiser to "hit" their number and the lender would readily accept the appraiser hired by them (the applicant)

I cannot speak for all of you, but when a good client calls and asks me to take a "second look" at an appraisal I've done, or calls to ask if there is any more "room", I am happy to take another look, just in case there is something I've missed. They don't abuse the requests, and no matter what my answer is they do not cease doing business with me.

If the lender refuses to ask the appraiser to take another look, or refuses a second appraisal (by anyone), many times it means that they do not want to make the loan (borderline credit, high loan-to-value, etc)

The point that is being missed was brought up earlier.......we are hired to estimate (fair) market value. Does anyone remember "what a prudent, informed buyer would be willing to pay"?

We CANNOT account for (or appraise for) irrational decisions. The very purpose for a disinterested third party (appraiser) is to take any bias out of the value decision.

There are many, sometimes crazy reasons why a person is willing to pay above the market for a property. For instance, a local area home sold recently for about $10,000 more than the highest bidder. The reason, I found out later, was that the couple had two young children and the home was very near to both sets of parents. The premium the couple paid for the house was saved in only a years' worth of day care now done by the parents instead of a paid provider.

Does that mean the home was "worth it" to a "typical, informed buyer"?
In my experience, the premium paid by that young couple was for "Value in Use" that is, it had an additional value to them over and above any other buyer.

No one can predict price to the nearest $100.00, and no one I know will claim that they can. That is why I feel I can be somewhat flexible. But I refuse to appraise for irrational behavior.

As always, just my 2 cents.


The Harder I Work, The Luckier I Get
Shame, shame, shame. Can nobody remember it had minimal to do with corporate greed, which is ALWAYS with us, as well as insider deals. It had EVERYTHING to do with the change in the tax laws. One morning everyone woke up and there were no longer any write-offs for investment properties or homesteads. THAT'S what caused the crash. The insider stuff just showed up when the bubble got pushed. Been there and survived. Paulette in Tx...Rotts rule and Shih tzus fine too...go w.
BarbaraNJ Said:

No one can predict price to the nearest $100.00, and no one I know will claim that they can. That is why I feel I can be somewhat flexible. But I refuse to appraise for irrational behavior.

Are you my mother?....my first week in this Biz, straight out of NAIFA Classes, I valued a home at $xx,2xx.00...my Mom (and mentor) just cracked up, "are you THAT good already that you can get within $100.." :oops: (me) "well NO mom, I'm not....but thats where the cyphering pointed me". I changed the report to reflect a rounded (to nearest $1000). Thanks for the memories!
And thanks for the reminder to Look for the buyers motivation (Value in Use).....lots of amenities fall into this pile.....Pools, extra Garages and Outbuildings, proximities....heck down here if your septic Lagoon is Large enough a motivated buyer may even see it as a "Fishin Hole" :wink:

I am DEAD in the water as far as appraisals go right now. I'm not griping.....just stating the fact. I feel I am undercut by "old Boys" that are constantly "making the deal work". Now thats NOT to say I don't want everyone in the deal to come out happy but I WON"T fudge numbers or facts...period! These "Old Boyz" have sanctions from state against them (Listed on OBRE website) and are KNOWN number-hitters, do the BANKS care....&*%#&%@ NO! .......Does the State care......hummmmm? It seems they really DO NOT!

Sombody.....fax me an order!!!!!
Does no one else find it funny that the buyer did not have the extra $5000 (without help)?

Or odd that everyone else in this “bidding war” stopped $5000 below market value? When do buyers in bidding wars normally stop? By definition are not theses bidders more motivated that the typical buyer?
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