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NY, FirstAM & WaMu article

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I'm not a techie and don't know for sure, but I do have copies from various appraisers that only have one software such as Day One or Alamode, but once their appraisal was unlocked and 'converted', the bottom of the appraisal forms now say ACI. How could that happen??? :icon_question:

The FAQ information on Appraisalport com explains how the separation of data from most forms S/W vendors takes place:

What is AI Ready?
AI Ready means “Appraisal Institute Ready” and is an accreditation given to forms software packages and Web portals by the Appraisal Institute to indicate that those forms and services are consistent with the Appraisal Institute’s Residential Data Storage Standard. All software and Web interfaces consistent with the AI standard can mark their software with the AI Ready logo, indicating they can read and write to the same XML format (eXtensible Markup Language) upon which the AI Data Storage Standard is based.

Essentially, the Appraisal Institute Ready (AI Ready™) program is the application of a common language between different kinds of appraiser and mortgage-lender software.

While AppraisalPort alone affords a fast and uniform way for appraisers and banks to communicate and deliver appraisal reports, AI Ready makes the process even more efficient by supplying a uniform format that can be automatically recognized by the bank’s management system.

For more information on AI Ready, visit www.aiready.com.

Unfortunately, just like the recent USPAP FAQ's point out, what each subscriber does with the (our) data is not the responsibility of the provider of the conduit.

Hmmm, are we talking about the same 3 letter company that has repeatedly ignored questions about who they give digital signatures to? I hear that a rep from that company has been calling appraisers from the forum to try to dig up dirt on one of our favorite forumites who's being sued. Would you do busines with a software company if you found out that they made deals with appraisal companies to deliver their appraisers' signatures to the company, not the appraiser? Inquiring minds want to know. Questions need to be answered. Who IS the company EApe referred to that unlocked appraisal files? Are we talking about the same company here? Someone please answer.
So they need your signature to open it and add it again to close it? What if you never supplied one, and you find out that they are opening your PDF to remove your Invoice and to send to the client. Where did they get the signature? Does this make sense?

It makes sense if you look at an electronic file (report) as the computer sees the file.

This is part of your signature:

My guess is 13 letters:AppraisalPort

Appraisalport does not convert them. A third party software has to convert it to AIready format to transmit through appraisalport in AIready format.

If an appraiser controls the conversion, like Alamode allows before transmittal, then I don't see a problem with it. When somebody else unlocks a file outside of the appraiser's knowledge. Then I see a big problem.
I hear that a rep from that company has been calling appraisers from the forum to try to dig up dirt on one of our favorite forumites who's being sued.

Really??.....more dots??
Geeeze! Before you know it, somebody will get a photo of a whole fleet of black helicopters and post it here.
Really??.....more dots??

Yeah, I can confirm that. He had his secretary call my office saying he wanted to talk to me. I have nothing to say to him about anything so I didn't take the call.
Appraisalport does not convert them. A third party software has to convert it to AIready format to transmit through appraisalport in AIready format.

If an appraiser controls the conversion, like Alamode allows before transmittal, then I don't see a problem with it. When somebody else unlocks a file outside of the appraiser's knowledge. Then I see a big problem.
Thats what I am just finding out from a draw/final inspection co. is doing. They just told me that do not open my secured files, but have a system to take it out. :shrug:
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It makes sense if you look at an electronic file (report) as the computer sees the file.

This is part of your signature:
But does it still give them the right to do it?
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