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NY, FirstAM & WaMu article

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Think I posted on this years ago, teach your kids to be haves and not have nots. It is going that way.

Since the Nation was founded.:icon_idea: The Single Variant - Freedom of Choice
Elsi completely cut me off early last year after reporting within several rural appraisals (for both WAMU and BofA) the County's requirement that a property recieving a farm use tax credit "must make a profit". In all cases, the owners indicated to me how they met that requirement (raised and sold hay, cows, honey, ect). I guess reporting those FACTS are a deal killer......oh well, they did not want to pay much for those assignments anyway.
Elsi completely cut me off early last year ....... I guess reporting those FACTS are a deal killer......oh well, they did not want to pay much for those assignments anyway.
Kill The Messenger!
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