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NY, FirstAM & WaMu article

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Well then, I hope that whoever in our trade dumb enough to succumb to that sort of pressure is quickly blackballed for it, leaving more for the rest of us!

Facts are facts, play the ball where it lies.

Well then, I hope that whoever in our trade dumb enough to succumb to that sort of pressure is quickly blackballed for it, leaving more for the rest of us!

Facts are facts, play the ball where it lies.


Facts are Facts ....and Figures don't Lie ...but Liars Figure.
I'm sure we can all figure out what that means
Well then, I hope that whoever in our trade dumb enough to succumb to that sort of pressure is quickly blackballed for it, leaving more for the rest of us!

Facts are facts, play the ball where it lies.



the problem is that THEY are black balling us for BEING HONEST. Go figure.

Pam, please send me that info on BOFA...
So far, I have agreed to keep that confidential outside of law enforcement and the appraiser that provided it to me is pursuing a civil suit with it. I will very happily distribute it when I can!!!!!

In understand your situation and respect your decision, however, I think that getting this information to law makers and our state boards is crucial. Not to mention that BOFA is one of my clients and I'd sure like to know if they are black balling me as a result of my honesty.

I don't want to rant, but I only asked after you offered to tell us the information. What good does that do any of us? We are trying to band together here to fight the injustice that is being caused to all good appraisers. Withholding information that could very well help our cause is ineffective. The more appraisers contact their law makers and state boards with information like the one you have, the greater the chances are that something will be done to punish the abusers.

My business is off quite a bit because I've been honest. Please help me (I plead) and others like me fight against this injustice. Together we can make a difference. United we stand, divided we fail and fall!

I understand the privacy issues. This is not about that. This is about what is right and just.

I hope you understand my point of view on this.
Not to create conspiracy theories, but we were doing a lot of BoA work...

...until recently.

And sure enough, I checked a bunch of the last round of reports we sent them, and yep, declining. All of them. Because they really were, unmistakably so.

Lord, I hope we don't become worthless for telling the truth!

Not to create conspiracy theories, but we were doing a lot of BoA work...

...until recently.

And sure enough, I checked a bunch of the last round of reports we sent them, and yep, declining. All of them. Because they really were, unmistakably so.

Lord, I hope we don't become worthless for telling the truth!

I did some work for BoA via an AMC. Did my appraisal, got a call from the BoA told her to send me what ever info she had. She also sent me the second appraisal for the first one I did The second one hit the number. Sad.
Yet Another Example. REMOVE THE BULLSEYE$

I did some work for BoA via an AMC. Did my appraisal, got a call from the BoA told her to send me what ever info she had. She also sent me the second appraisal for the first one I did The second one hit the number. Sad.[/quote]

One more example why USPAP Contract Review and AO-19 MUST be rescinded and the Feds and States MUST pass NEW and Enforce NEW and EXISTING Coercion and Conspiracy Laws and $$ Fund them with Teeth that make supplying ANY advance $$ info, estimates of value, prior appraisal values, loan amounts, LTV ratios, "owner guestimates", etc, ad nauseum, Felonies.
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