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On-Site Inspection. How do I locate land address with just an APN number?

If you're going to appraise out in the rural areas then you need to learn how to navigate and how to find specific parcels without an online app. That area out there is notorious for no street signs and no house numbers and on occasion for roads that are gated or which are impassable. And inconsistent internet access.

Taking screen grabs of the overheads with parcel overlays and printing them out and making notes of nearby addresses is a real useful strategy.

One more thing, the locators on some of these online maps sometimes make mistakes and put their pins in very inaccurate - not even close - locations. The APN overlays are always correct but the locators using street addresses are sometimes inconsistent out in the rural areas.
Thank you for all the input George! You have been a great help!
For comps you'll probably find what you need by staying south of Hwy-371 and east of Terwilliger. There are some sales from the last 18 months right in the immediate neighborhood plus competing neighborhoods to the south. Don't be afraid to extend past 6 or 12 months in a rural location.

I appraised a 600ac spread at Burnt Valley just shy of Hwy74 a couple years back. Used to be owned by Red Skelton.

View attachment 96269
OP needs to list you on report for significant input including HOW to FIND the property.
Maybe a dumb question but can a Licensed or Certified Residential do a land appraisal?
I never did a land appraisal.
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