To clarify, I did not say the GSE automatically stipulates it. And we know they "use" their AVM . Lets describe what happens-
Fannie or Freddie researches a property, and if it meets the criteria, they offer a WAIVER to the lender . If the borrower agrees to the WAIVER, the lender submits either their own value estimate in a refinac,e or the sale price is the value for a purchase.
Fannie or Freddie runs an AVM. If the lender's value estimate in a refi, or the SC price in a purchase, falls with the AVM value range, the lender's value estimate or the SC price is the value of the property for that loan.
I outlined the above for brevity. I did not detail every step they might use or the order of the steps to qualify a property for a WAIVER offer, nor anything about borrower qualification.