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Phil Crawford Podcast

I know I am bad. Why should value matter? I can really dig deep. Who sets this value? What is value definition?

i can really get nasty. I am old man. I have hard skin.
Far less interesting than commingling of fees on appraisals and truth in lending disclosures.
You keep assigning to me a view that I have never expressed. :)
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Reactions: Zoe
I respect you dearly Danny. I won't let up on separation of fees.

I totally understand we are in different positions.
I respected Joan Trice. We had a love/ hate relationship. it was special. Separation of fees was our main disagreement.
Joan is a pretty woman. She just didn't fight for separation of fees. She is pretty.

Licensed appraiser was Joan.
I won't let up on separation of fees.
That is totally fine with me. I think everyone is free to post whatever view they want to express. But stop painting me as if I am opposed to your view- I have never said that.
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