The reason that the GSE's expanded the eligibility of appraisal waivers is because FHFA told them to expand eligibility, which is a direct result of PAVE, so I don't think the latest expansion would have happened, or would have been as broad if it had not been mandated by FHFA. Regarding your allegation that "profit centers demand it", I am unaware of any of the so-called profit centers that demanded an expansion of appraisals waivers. I am unaware of a single mortgage lender or AMC who pushed for this and the realtors certainly did not push for it as they actually actively opposed the exapnsion after it was announced....see here:
I know that you are a Turmp hater, but much of the nonsense pushed by FHFA (especially PAVE) over the past 4 years is due to Biden's appointee Sandra Thompson running the FHFA. Now that Trump got elected, she will be gone and will be replaced by someone more would be nice if they brought back Mark Calabria, who was the prior FHFA boss under Trump and did a great job, however I have heard that Calabria is not interested in returning to that job.