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Phil Crawford Podcast

Well, I believe Phil is Jewish but that hardly is an automatic pass to wealth....Like most ethnicities and/or religions, they come in 2 flavors. Poor and Not so Poor (rich if you will). So, yes, the

Oh, but he is, yes, he is.
I will never mention nationality again. It is not in alignment with the constitution. Mr. Crawford could be Scottish or Alaskan for all I know.
George DOXINE Hatch...bwahahahahahahahahahaha Have to admit it wasn't very professional doxing him like that. Certainly hurts your credibility as being the man and now appear more like the creep. Hopefully that is not how you are remembered.
LOL. Quit doxing George. Against forum rules.
The thing is....the host is doing the very same thing that he was accusing Hatch of doing in the previous data cancer thread.

Hatch wasn't looking up his personal property....that was obvious. A lot could have been solved if he would have just participated in the thread further instead of taking a sniper shot then dipping...
The show is a loser .. few viewers or subscribers and guests who dont seem to be at the top of their game. He flipped houses..sells hats and shirts and frankly I have no idea how he keeps it going because it's dead media. I guess ego trying to pretend he's in the real estate game.
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