Start by reading The Valuation Analyst by David Braun. He explains it in the easiest of terms. That was my entry into MLR. I don't use it in every assignment, but I am a better appraiser for understanding it, and generally how valuation modeling works.
Not bad as appraisal statistics books go. And it is at a level some appraisers can understand.
If I wrote a book, only a small handful of appraisers could get anywhere with it and I am sure it would be very slow going.
I am doing that --- but I am in no way writing it for current appraisal community - but the future. It will be complex, immense and cover many areas. And it will be done on my new website.
Right now at this moment I am working on:
"A System To Automatically Generate Human Understandable Descriptions of Complex MARS Models"
This could take a MARS model like the below (it is contrived for the purpose of testing) and simplify it into a number of sentences, using an ANTLR 4 Parser, based on Java code - which runs on Linux or Windows (and it handles both 1 and 2 way/degree models) [ and think about how much a person would have to know, the skillset required, to deal with this kind of problem? (1) Extensive experience with appraisal and studying MARS models for many different kinds of areas, (2) programming (in Java on Windows and Linux, maybe with Docker), (3) parsers (advanced Antlr 4 with listeners and visitors), (5) mathematics (not particularly advanced but nonetheless complex with many moving parts) and (6) Advanced Statistics (MARS):
(Intercept) 1994618.995226
h(21-Age) 18134.284216
Age * h(Baths-3) -13742.01604
h(29-Age) * Baths -15319.87281
h(Age-29) * Baths 2207.79385
h(Age-29) * Beds -2363.72638
h(Age-29) * FrPlcNbr -1707.98934
Age * h(GLA-2700) 3.34516
Age * h(GLA-2175) 54.76422
Age * h(2700-GLA) 40.45922
h(29-Age) * GLA 70.44614
Baths * h(DaysOffMkt-2446) -1856.25314
Baths * h(DaysOffMkt-1542) 720.90125
Baths * h(2446-DaysOffMkt) 121.76920
Baths * h(GLA-2700) -667.54114
Baths * h(GLA-2175) -246.22563
h(DaysOffMkt-339) -759.797818
h(DaysOffMkt-975) 843.678601
h(DaysOffMkt-1560) -403.716656
DaysOffMkt * h(1-PoolStatus) -169.77454
h(DaysOffMkt-1542) * PoolStatus 0.58995
h(DaysOffMkt-2446) * PoolStatus -182.74645
FrPlcNbr * h(2700-GLA) 603.22737
h(2-Garage) -86296.145126
h(GLA-3040) 317.051132
h(3540-GLA) -197.630858
h(GLA-3924) 1296.744498
GolfCourse 124657.567723
OceanView 198593.112427
h(Latitude-36.955) 93569930.354
h(36.968-Latitude) 72358503.742
h(Latitude-36.968) -128469121.497
h(Latitude-36.952) * h(Longitude- -121.882) 9445111406.771
h(36.968-Latitude) * h(Longitude- -121.875) 3437590452.22
h(36.968-Latitude) * h(Longitude- -121.881) -3712978768.509
h(Latitude-38.64) -6877270.02085
h(Longitude- -121.882) 9445111406.771
h(Longitude- -122.88) -34011087.24943
h(61420-LotSize) -18.76882
h(LotSize-61420) 0.22612
h(1-Pool) 782261.64137
h(Pool-1) 19970.69823
h(2-Story) -68741.56691
h(Story-2) -228532.34087