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Reporting Fraud.......

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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2002
Professional Status
Retired Appraiser
Just received this email from Fannie Mae.

Hope it works. I doubt they would object to me passing this number on to the entire forum.

Is the ball starting to roll down hill, are things looking up for the good guys????????????



Preventing fraud is a primary concern at Fannie Mae, and we need your help to be successful. You play a vital role in Fannie Mae’s efforts to reduce fraud and minimize risk. By reporting any activities that may potentially lead to fraud, you can truly make a positive impact.

Reporting potential fraud is fast and easy. Simply call:


A Customer Representative is ready to listen, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST. You may leave a message after business hours.

To learn more about fraud and what you can do to prevent it, visit www.efanniemae.com and click on the “Preventing Mortgage Fraud” link on the lower right section of the page.

Thank you for your diligence and cooperation. Together we can make a difference.

The Vendor Management Team
Sir Lawrence I received it too. Maybe the time has come to dust off my fraud file. I’ll start with the ones from the last 12 months. I don’t keep the PMI stretches or light fraud, I only file the whoppers. The one on top was done by an old boy with initials.
The message says "you can truly make a positive impact".

Does "make" mean...to receive ?, ...and does "impact" mean...a reward ?

Would 10% of the amount of experienced damages be considered fair ?
edit for duplicate post
Ross (CO) said:
The message says "you can truly make a positive impact".

Does "make" mean...to receive ?, ...and does "impact" mean...a reward ?

Would 10% of the amount of experienced damages be considered fair ?

Dream on. :glare:

Thanks for the info, TE. I'll be sharing it.
Ross (CO) said:
Would 10% of the amount of experienced damages
be considered fair ?
Ross that is an idea with merit. In days of old Her Majesty didn’t
waste resources on ships of the line, it was more cost effective to
hire privateers. If circumstances change, I have the vessel, the necessary
skills and the will; I only need Fannie to provide a letter of Marque. :)
Ahoy! To starboard, Sir Bucks on the HMS Forensic Bounty!
Pams going to be mad, some chick named Fannie is cutting in on her action.:rof:

Does this mean Fannie is going to be the clearinghouse for any fraud? Even if not Fannie related?

Hope they have added additional staff and didn't shift anyone from the accounting department.:shrug:
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