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Reporting Fraud.......

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Does data transparency make a difference?

1. Georgia
2. Florida
3. Michigan
4. Texas [non-disclosure]
5. California
6. Illinois
7. New York
8. Pennsylvania
9. New Jersey
10. Missouri [non-disclosure]

Of these TOP TEN fraud states, how many are disclosure, how many are not?
Terrel L. Shields said:
Does data transparency make a difference?

We don't have true transparency in the disclosure states. RE agents don't disclose seller credits because they like inflating the market. How many of our reports are based on prior sales prices where concessions weren't reported, and THOSE sales prices were also based on comparables sales prices where concessions weren't reported, ad infinitum.
FNMA Vendor Mgmt Team?

Mr. lawrence-

A better link would be to tell us how to access FNMA Vendor Mgmt Team. Thanks. And No I don't appraise in OH. I have heard of people appraising for FNMA, but have never been able to find out how. Could illuminate please?
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