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Sending out 1099s

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There is something wrong in Fernandoville.
It's for next year. If I don't get it, I hate to let him go. I'll have to find someone else.
His English is not that good. I think he understood me when I said I needed his SS #.
I got a letter from IRS saying 1099 sent out several years ago were missing TIN.
I looked at my copy and I have the TINs.
I admit I didn't send them electronically to IRS but my mail.
So I assume their manual human input didn't see the TINs and is now causing me trouble. Ugh.
tell the truth fernnie, you use an illegal crossed border accountant, whom when you say you paid $250. you actually meant to say, paid 250 pesos.
but that's how you got to be in the wealthy 2%. god bless fernnie, calif & america.
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