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SFREP - Appraise-it Software is AWESOME!

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Elite Member
Mar 24, 2009
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
I use Appraise-it, Software For Real Estate Professionals (SFREP) and I have not had a single problem with the new UAD forms. They have great pop-up help windows, no crashes and excellent service. I've been using them for 15 years and they have been great the whole time...in fact, they keep getting better.

Anyone else use them? How do you like them?
I did a search and didn't find many threads on SFREP. I think DWiley and Offshore hit it on the head in this thread

"You won't read much about SFREP in here because it's stable and very reliable. I can't imagine using any other software. I never cease to be amazed at the non-stop problems people have with those other software products."
Meh. I'm not that big of a fan. I've been using it since I started 10 years ago. I also don't care for who owns it. I'm going to go for NCV software when I buy software.
It seems we're establishing a pattern here of gushing love letters to various software vendors that seem to be thinly or not so thinly disguised advertisments. AlaMode seems to be the record holder but NCV has done it too
SFREP had the best DOS appraisal software ever! However, I didn't feel the love for their initial efforts with their Windows based software. Perhaps it has matured and transformed, but I'm to invested in my current software to even think of changing.

I also don't care for who owns it.
Kind of a silly reason? Wayne has his lovers and haters, and I doubt anyone survives a stint as the AI president without ruffling some feathers, (while grooming others). Frankly he has given a lot to the industry, and writes interesting tech articles in several publications.

I think Bill Gates is kind of a goober, but I use Windows without giving "what I think of him" a single thought...
Right now I am doing a NCV and Total 11 comparison, alternating assignments with each. I am also familiar with Clickforms but have not tried it since their UAD implementation.

If I can get a hold of a UAD trial of Clickforms, mybe I'll run it in the test. I'm not sure I have the energy to test another one right now or I would include SREA or whatever it is called:) I sort of like it because Anon hates it, or, is that being childish?:shrug:
I used AI for about ten years and would agree that it was very stable. The reason it was stable was that it had very few features. There were also a number of promises made by Wayne with respect to features that never hit the market. I vaguely remember many years of promises about getting some sort of EDI solution that never came out as well as the ERC portal that eventually got cancelled anyway. Wayne spent a lot of time on the AI-Ready stuff at the expense of everything else. Kind of sounds like Bradford with their CompMuncher program. Are they still 16bit?

Also, many of their various add-in options like Photo-Plus were written by other software companies and were really clunky and didn't interface really well with the main program.

Stability by itself isn't a major selling point if the stability comes about as a result of not changing the base program for many years.
It seems we're establishing a pattern here of gushing love letters to various software vendors that seem to be thinly or not so thinly disguised advertisments. AlaMode seems to be the record holder but NCV has done it too

I'm not following your logic on this comment -- vendors have no control over what people post here, good or bad.

When you say my company is the "record holder" and NCV has "done it too", what exactly is the "it" that you're referring to? Are you accusing the vendors of soliciting positive comments when you say they're "not so thinly disguised advertisements"? I can't speak for the others, but I can tell you that's flat out never happened with a la mode. Besides being unethical, it would backfire so badly it's unbelievable. One or more of the solicited clients would post out the solicitation, and you'd be caught red-handed.

I've seen some posts from those "brand new" users who seemed to be salespeople in disguise from one vendor (and called them on it, at which point they refused to authenticate and disappeared), but I haven't seen anyone from us, NCV, ACI, or SFREP who didn't appear to be a legitimate appraiser. The comments come from people who appear to post on a wide variety of topics, and a fake wouldn't be able to do that.
I highly doubt there is any stealth marketing going on. I do think there may have been viral marketing, as dbiggers points out, however it's easy to distinguish such posters. I don't recall who called them out but good for Mr. Biggers for doing so.

SFREP is starting to anger me. I haven't tried any other programs so I'm not sure if it's all of them but the UAD is implemented poorly. I fear, however, that it is the UAD itself that sucks and it isn't a particular program. Do other appraisal software suites have a "UAD Bar" taking up 25% of the screen?
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