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Something to THINK about

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I thought I was one of the older appraisers on this forum, but if you remember that song you are probably on the wrong side of 50!

There are whiners in every business, but I think ours has a higher percentage. When I take a class I constantly hear the same refrain: the fees are too low; my expenses are going up; they want another comp; you name it. I tell them to get out of the business and give me their client list. I used to complain when I worked for someone else, and 10 years ago when I went out on my own my wife said: "If you complain now, we'll know it was you and not your stupid boss! She was right.

This forum is great for those of us who work alone. I've had technical and FHA questions answered within hours. It also keeps me posted as the to the latest legislation coming out of DC.


A little passage for you & others to ponder :?

Many native traditions held "clowns and tricksters" as essential to any contact with the sacred. People could not pray until they had laughed, because laughter opens and frees from rigid preconception. Humans had to have tricksters within the most sacred ceremonies lest they forget the sacred comes through upset, reversal, and surprise. The trickster in most native traditions is essential to creation, to birth.

-Professor Byrd Gibbens,
Professor of English,
University of Arkansas at Little Rock.

From a letter to the author / Author: George Carlin

Happy Holidays 8)

This forum is great for those of us who work alone.

I don't know how many new appraisers read this forum, but I myself visit the site daily. I not only come here for answers to questions, but to read all posts (from clowns and whiners as well). I truely believe that there is a wealth of knowledge within these posts. I am definetly not an "old timer" to the forum, and can not comment on any of the prior "forumites," but I enjoy reading from everyone who posts on this site.

Those of us who have become old (I turned 60 in January) just dont have as much time as you youngsters. We take longer to do our work....over commit to clubs and organizations...and find browsing hundreds of post too time consuming.

Dick Dolman still posts to the water cooler now and then. I feel he, like me, finds tilting at windmills exhausting, at best.

Thus sayth the old guy.
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