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Subjective language? lol

If your client didn't contact you to say something about it then don't worry about it.

The form filler is not your client.
By 2035, we might have to call a single family residential to a solo occupant domicile or a potentially communal living space, just to ensure no one's feelings get hurt. And for those feeling indecisive, maybe bi-family residential? lol
By 2035 ???? lol.....
For the property, at least for mortgage lending using UAD, we have a defined criteria for condition and quality Q 1,2,3,4,5,6 and C1,2,3,4,5,6.

For neighborhood, use specific facts. Instead of, "average distance to employment centers", specify, "employment centers are within a 20 minute commute".
Be specific. Thanks for the good advice. Do you use C1~C6 for property condition or poor, average, good etc ?
high, low, good, bad, fair, poor, strong, weak, rapid, slow, fast, or average
Those are relative words, not subjective. Whatever, I get the point.
What's wrong with "family"?
Now that is "subjective" - is that a married couple and children? Or, two guys, two girls, college roommates? Shared space of itinerant workers? I've batched with other geologists while working on rigs and moved from E. Texas to N. Mexico and then to Colorado all over the few weeks. A SFR could be someone's office. A terrorist's safe house could be a unitary domicile.
By 2035, we might have to call a single family residential to a solo occupant domicile or a potentially communal living space, just to ensure no one's feelings get hurt. And for those feeling indecisive, maybe bi-family residential? lol
Funny, but true.
There are no "families"...there are units. You're describing the dwelling, not the occupants. At least that's what a CE instructor was pushing a few years back.

Single-unit dwelling, two-unit, 4-unit, etc.

I still call them SFR, duplex, etc. but I can see his point.
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By 2035, we might have to call a single family residential to a solo occupant domicile or a potentially communal living space, just to ensure no one's feelings get hurt. And for those feeling indecisive, maybe bi-family residential? lol
.... or a SFR could be called a "non-bianary" dwelling Unit...
Be specific. Thanks for the good advice. Do you use C1~C6 for property condition or poor, average, good etc ?
For UAD appraisal reports I use C1-C6. For non-lending appraisals, I say poor, average, good "in relation to other properties in the neighborhood". That way, there is context.
Be careful Non Wokes. You should be worry.
So, "low e windows" will get flagged. That is an actual description in builder specs. So, Composition/Good will get flagged, but Composition/Gd will not. Yet, you have to describe the condition of the roof. The words "fair market value" will get flagged.

You just have no idea about the "subjective language audit" because you probably don't check your own reports for it.
I use those bad words in my house condition comment section. But i code it such as avg condition, gd/rehabd. Nobody has said the word new is bad. I don't think my report is woke, but you can't tell who, or what flavor, i am talking about in any part of my report. I do like using 'walking dead' for the bad lands neighborhoods.

Long ago in the 80's, big urban, i learned what not to do, or say, when i sold real estate. You didn't want to be facing a government civil rights organization.
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