If the politicians want to enable or compel lenders to increase their LTVs above MV there's no appraiser who has any (non-political) reason to object to that. I don't care what the lenders do or what happens to them if they engage in 125% LTVs as an entitlement to certain groups. It's none of my business how those decisions are made or how they play out IRL.
I don't see appraisers getting emotionally worked up over the entitlement aspects of the VA underwriting for the SFRs or Section 8 rents with the multi-family. Nobody cares. The same apathy would logically apply to any parallel application.
What I do object to is coercing the appraisers to cross the line into client advocacy in order to amplify - on the undisclosed basis - the discretion being used in these transactions. I don't want to get involved with client advocacy. If they are required or desirous of providing the benefit then I want the responsibility for that discretion to be fairly and accurately attributed to the people making those decisions , and not obscured from view by pressuring the appraisers to say one thing (impartial) vs doing another (advocate for).
Matter of fact, I wouldn't mind one little bit if the definition of MV being used was swapped out and replaced with (or supplemented with) a different definition which speaks to equitable instead of equal. You do you, Ms Activist. You ask the question and I'll do my best to answer it in good faith. And competency.
As for the self-proclaimed intellectual aristocracy among the activist set, your problem isn't actually with the SCA or with the principle of substitution. Your problem is with the definition of value itself which is being used in those appraisals. The most direct and honest solution for your ends-justifies-the-means goals lies in actually moving that goalpost from fair/equal to entitled/equitable. If you knew what your were talking about with appraisals you would have figured this out a long time ago.
Every mortgage lending appraisal *could* include 2 value conclusions, complete with 2 separate definitions of value used therein:
Market Value = $zzz
Equitable Value = $yyy
After that, let the users figure out what they want to do. Once our job is done we have no reason to care about how they proceed.