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Tennis Court Adjustment Help Please

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$0 it is, this thing is an eye sore and in ruins. Thanks!
To the typical buyer it probably has an adverse effect on value, i.e., cost to remove, however, I'd be more inclined to go with the $0 contributory value and not try to support a negative adjustment.

If you thought it had some minor contributory value the best place to address it would be in the reconciliation.

Be sure to explain your rationale for the non-adjustment in the report.
Whenever I have a feature I am not sure of I reach out to some of the most experienced brokers in the area to ask their opinion. Not one involved in the transaction. I usually get a good idea whether or not the typical buyer would pay anything or nothing at all.
Sideline how many appraisers play tennis?
used to. Pools are vacant for months at a time. I am working on a house with a Racketball court - and a theater, pool, dock, etc. Some people have more money than sense...no so much appraisers.

However, most tennis courts I see are not in good nick. I have one where it has a concrete block storage shed. The back corner has sunk and I doubt it adds any value to the property. It is on a steep hillside and the crack goes into the foundation. That's a call of the appraiser. But the fix is to jack up the foundation and that would cost more than the building can contribute.
Just a note; North/South facing tennis courts are more desirable than those that face in different directions here in California. You need to talk to brokers in areas of high dollar properties to get a sense of contributory value. Past paired sales analysis is good, however, make sure you know which direction the paired sale courts are facing.
Tennis courts are our and Pickle Ball courts are in and the future. :rof: Probably more value as a basketball court.

Sideline how many appraisers play tennis? I venture to say 0%.

"Sports Court" or oversized parking if vehicular access is readily available ?
Contributory value of tennis court in average condition - cost to cure or correct observed defects = $0.00 Net Contributory Value.
Usually. But every once in a while you run into the real thing: well-lit, high fence enclosure, great surface and equipment. More than an asphalt patio with a net and some markings.
Why wouldn’t a tennis court add value (maybe not full cost, but perhaps close?). A family that plays tennis would love to have one. Sort of like any other feature, pool, horse barn, etc. You have to understand who your property is being marketed to. Until the day comes when nobody plays tennis out, they have value.
Why wouldn’t a tennis court add value (maybe not full cost, but perhaps close?). A family that plays tennis would love to have one. Sort of like any other feature, pool, horse barn, etc. You have to understand who your property is being marketed to. Until the day comes when nobody plays tennis out, they have value.

I decided to give it 0 value because it is in ruins and the cost to cure is extremely high. This thing is an eye sore.

I think this is what most of us are basing our opinions on.

A nice tennis court? That's a different story.
Why wouldn’t a tennis court add value (maybe not full cost, but perhaps close?). A family that plays tennis would love to have one. Sort of like any other feature, pool, horse barn, etc. You have to understand who your property is being marketed to. Until the day comes when nobody plays tennis out, they have value.
Not sure if you read my op. The tennis court is in shambles, cracks, chipping paint, etc. The court is a financial burden on anyone that doesn’t play tennis. If you do play tennis, the cost to cure is high. I understand who the property is being marketed to, and either tennis player or not, it has no value. I would like to see someone explain to an underwriter or the state board how they came up with the value for this tennis court with no comps in the market area.
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