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The Reviewer from Hell

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Bobby Bucks

Elite Member
Jan 27, 2002
Professional Status
Real Estate Agent or Broker
North Dakota
I completed a report about 2 weeks ago for a sale in a cookie cutter subdivision. All comparables
were very similar, all within $5,000 of the subject price wise, as for heated area, one was within
75 sq feet, one was 150 sq feet larger, the 3rd was 125 sq feet smaller. Subject and comps were
all within 2 years of age, all sales were less than 3 months old. All had 1 car garages, originally
built by the same builder, standard builder grade carpet and vinyl. No concessions with any sales.
A slam dunk. Borrower/purchaser had switched lenders before closing and I never heard
anything....I assume they accepted the borrower’s original copy with “Real Bank & Trust” as the
client and got a proper release.....now the problem. It appears they switched to a seedy mortgage
company before closing.....probably a relative is a loan officer with the mortgage co. is my guess.
Anyway, I get a call today from a grumpy appraiser who left me a long message. Some
background on this character is necessary first. He’s a frustrated old goat who resents the digital
element in the industry. He still uses a 35 mm camera and suspects everyone who uses anything
digital as a fraud. He cranks out about two 1004’s a week when he’s on a roll......He habitually
under appraises and has been booted from Relo lists for this reason. One family is considering
suing him for an estate appraisal for the same reason. He was about $100,000 under value on a
house with some excess land. The property sold for cash 2 days after going on the market and he
actually crowed about how good a job he had done on the report. The property was resold 3
months later for $100,000 more than his value.....needless to say, the family is not impressed with
this “conservative” appraiser. He also gets his jollies by doing any review assignment that comes
his way. It gives him a feeling of power I suppose. He once made life miserable for a friend of
mine for a month for a similar type report. His message on my machine was as follows....”This is
John Doe/appraiser and I’m doing a field review on your report you did a few weeks ago. I have
some major concerns with it. You didn’t make an adjustment for comparable #2 and its site had
1,200 more square feet than the subject. (the subject site was 18,000 sq feet)...... I also noticed
you adjusted comparable #3 upward $1,000 for a patio. You stated the subject had a 24’ x 20’
deck. I don’t agree with this adjustment. I also noted you didn’t adjust comp #2 for having a
larger front porch. Tax records show it had at least 50 square feet more porch area than the
subject. This should have been adjusted. You need to call me back ASAP and justify these
adjustments and justify your failure to make an adjustment for that larger lot.” Well I did call him
back. I told him where he could put his review and reminded him that I was not being reviewed,
that it was the prostitution mortgage company who was suspect and he could do whatever he
wanted to do....CLICK end of conversation......my question now is was I completely out of line?
Of course I would never do this in a normal situation when a response was justified. If this bozo
does a scathing review I intend to simply ignore the entire matter. I’ve polled 2 fellow appraisers
and one said he would have done the same thing I did and would also ignore them if the review is
negative. The other said he always treats reviewers with great respect regardless of who it is. He
furthermore said I should respond if he does a negative review. My beef is this.....to respond to a
negative review is very time consuming to say the least and in a case like this why even waste any
time? Is it written than one has to reply?
I would not have even returned his call, because I would have had a hard time keeping my manners about me. :twisted: He made the error by calling you and saying you got this, this, and this wrong. He is to review the appraisal, not the appraiser :!: If I have a major problem, I call my client for clarification, or disclose the lack of clarity and my concerns in the review. That is my $0.02.

But knowing your great wit, which gets me ROTFL, any comments would have flown wayyy over his head. :wink:
:lol: :lol:

Oh Mr Bucks, and here you coulda killed him with kindness instead...

Really? Why, great reviewer Dude, please to advise me by what method you have developed your adjustment parameters, please to send me immediately the matched pairs analysis, extraction, regression analyses and or chicken blood readings so that I may learn from your efforts and discuss them with you on the phone right now!!

By the way dude, you are apparent in violation of standard 3, and a whole boatload of other standards, competency and ethical issues, and likely several other things I am sure, if you do not have the basis for such accusations presently in your file, hows about we forget the phone and I drive right over there right this very minute and hour so as to discuss in person your carefully developed analyses, such that I might learn from your expertise?

There are jerks everywhere. so it goes. Advice from me: waste not your breath on the phone call, but DO at least prepare a in file defense against whatever the idjit prepares. sounds like about 20 minutes of your precious time gets you date stamped as I looked it back over 'prior to receipt of idjit's response'. Honestly, I know of NO reason to deal with him directly beyond the tongue in cheek (or is that teeth :? ) response above.

If YOUR client requests a response, then you can opt for a one liner "please send it to the state WITH his review attached if you feel it is inaccurate so that it may be reviewed by a group of competent appraisersinstead of an idjit"
(S'ok to emphasise the idjit under the circumstances IMNSHO)

or do an exhaustive 'this guys an idjit' counter. Which ever you produce do have it read by a third unemotional party before you send it. :idea:

Or go put your boots up on the rail, crack a cold one and let the peace of the ranch wash your troubles away. I bet you never hear from the client.

I like your style. Reminds of my first year as full time appraiser many moons ago. Came back to the office one day and told my super about a run in I had with one of the old VA dinasouar appraisers. I said...."but so and so says to do it this way and he's been appraising for 30 years". My boss says..."yep, he's been doing it wrong for 30 years".

I think you did well not to punch the SOB out.
Major issues, what a major crock :twisted:

What, you're going to measure the porches of subject and comps to adjust for size? :P The other issues are equally ridiculous. 8O

IMO you were 100% in line to blow him off. Personally I would not have bothered to call back. I'd wait and if it ever came back to me for a rebuttal to that review....

then sharpen up the knives and get the Sledge O Matic.. :twisted: :lol:

It would be a rebuttal to save. :lol: A written Boot to the Head. :!:

Now forget about it unless that happens. 8) Seems doubtful to me, who's NOT going to laugh their AO at that review :?: :lol:
:lol: :lol:
Oh yeah, I forgot: in your initial conversation I like the line : "Why don't you fold it so that it is all corners' before offering him the same storage location as you did...

:twisted: :wink:

Sounds like he's the kind of appraiser who thinks you must adjust for any difference whether the market supports the adjustment or not!

1200 SF difference in lot size on 18000 sf lot.....would the informed purchaser pay more??? Maybe if the 1200 SF is waterfront 8)

Unfortunately, some appraisers make the same adjustments for amenities for all properties in all markets without considering the subject's particular market segment.

And more unfortunately, some reviewers believe they absolutely know what $$ adjustments should be made with no room for differences of opinions.

ROCK ON :wink:

Old **** with out a life was the one out of line. He had no business contacting you in the first place. As Mel said, the ONLY time you call the reviewee is for clarification of something and you've exhausted all other avenues. The only communication he should have had was with his client, period. Nothing here warranted a call to the appraiser.

Now then, the assinine, unsupportable, hair brained things he's coming up with?? He's truly an idiot. Had he a brain cell or two, he'd have signed off on such a cake walk review and collected his fee. This is a text book report. Instead the fool spent inordinate amounts of time dreaming up problems that didn't exist, calling you, marking his faxed copy of your report with a red pen, looking at tax cards for the size of a front porch....Poor fool spent all this time conjuring up things just to justify his job, and it's been lame at that.

I agree with Lee Ann, you'll probably never hear from the lender. They'll laugh their heads off when they get his review. If they do ask for your rebuttal, I would very heartily encourage them to turn both into the state board. Someone has to put this guy out of his and everyone else's misery.

were you asked to Re-Cert. to new company :?:

if not and you didn't - case Closed - old **** can make like a leaf in the wind and blow away. wouldn't have even responded :P 8O :lol: :lol:

Ask the reviewer which "Micro-appraisal class" he recommends. One house had five ceiling fans the other had four. One had two trees the other had one or none. We have to draw the line somewhere and I bet you can furnish plenty of sale on bigger lots that sold for less. My favorite: "We have a 40 foot pool, most only have a 32 foot." Thats nice. Or, "We have a 2 1/2 car garage." Really, where can I buy one of these half cars I keep hearing about. Do they have kick stands? We have many homes built in the early 80's that have 12-14 foot garage doors. How many cars will that hold today? Yet, they are always listed as two car garages. I just note that all sales and the subject have 12-14 foot garage doors, but all are really one car garages. Boy, that makes em mad, especially if I adjust because one has a 16-18 foot garage door.
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