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The word "Average" in the improvements section - possible bias?

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There are forces around us who have become more political than practical, so everybody had best beware. They no longer preach accuracy in the appraiser's opinion anymore, because the value may be correct. It's all about the verbiage. We were once taught "support" in our exhibits. Now, they want "evidence". Remember, your opinions must not be in variance to their opinions. Use the wrong word, and there will be a new section added by non-appraisal groups to beat the appraiser into submission.

There are also some who cannot accept the general understanding of "average". I guess we shouldn't feel too bad about that, because there are also some who cannot accept the general understanding of "woman" either, which befuddles me. I guess we are still needing to define what "is" means in our narrative reporting as well.

There are many things happening to the appraiser's profession these days, and the majority of it is nonsense that only puts targets on us and does NOT help us. We all need to be very careful I suppose.
That goes to who is in charge imho.

It is strange how some parties at the top are like battling for their own interests and not concerned with the independent fee appraiser.
I mean people that live in other States and have really no clue about the subject property other than what they find on the internet.

Yet, they are putting a value on the subject property in favor of public trust and commingling fees with AMCs on truth in lending disclosures in favor of public trust.

It don't make sense to me.

There are other issues too that don't make sense to me like PAREA, etc.etc.. And gses are buying these loans. The gses are selling these loans to investors.
zoe, life is better not thinking about that which you cannot change.
better a good survival plan, like finding other income for the coming appraiser death spiral.
zoe, life is better not thinking about that which you cannot change.
better a good survival plan, like finding other income for the coming appraiser death spiral.
I thank God VA has not gone that route yet despite pressure. VA was not called to testify on bias hearing cases.

Good reason why.

I could go back to commercial from single family but I am getting old.

With VA when you required no bailout? No panel members required you to be at the appraisal bias hearings.

My oldest son is in Hawaii for a wedding trip this week.

He visited Pearl Harbor yesterday on a boat. He showed me pictures of ruins and monuments.

My physical science, chemistry, physics teacher in high school was serving in Pearl Harbor when Japan hit them.

He lost many friends. He would not go into it much. Probably PTSD.

It was bad. We were totally off guard when Japan hit.
I told him Japan had way more innocent people die than we did at pearl harbor when those atomic bombs were dropped.
I think it took Japan a long time to rebuild infrastructure after those atomic bombs were dropped.

Bad mistake Japan on your part.
the japanese killed more innocent people in china and asia. the bushido code made most people worthless.

japan's housing is centuries old and made mostly from wood. beatiful homes. when the bomb exploded, you could only see some masonry buildings still standing. the blast and heat took out those wooden built homes.

the people paid for the royalty and bushido code way of life.
which ended when the bomb dropped.
I think it took Japan a long time to rebuild infrastructure after those atomic bombs were dropped.

Bad mistake Japan on your part.

I have no doubt Japan regrets it. It cost them more dearly than Pearl Harbor cost us.
Japan just didn't know the power of the atomic bomb.

They found out.

They had to know retaliation was on the horizon.

They just didn't know atomic bomb.
I think those bombers back then that carried the atomic bombs were different from bombers Japan used at Pearl Harbor.

I don't know that for sure.

They really had no defense when the USA bombers dropped those atomic bombs.

It was kinda like you caught us off guard. Watch this.
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