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The word "Average" in the improvements section - possible bias?

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I just put this in a report:

Subject is of typical quality and in typical condition. Unit mix is typical for the neighborhood and has typical appeal to the market.
I just put this in a report:

Subject is of typical quality and in typical condition. Unit mix is typical for the neighborhood and has typical appeal to the market.
Your comment is too generic, and doesn't say, or tell, anything to the reader, very bland. 4 typicals is poor word uage. How about after describing the unit mix, why. The lender wants to know if your suject is common to the area, not an odd ball. And instead of 4 tyipicals how about the word similar. What is typical appeal in that neighborhood, is that up to the underwrter's imagination.

This comment is so vanilla that it says nothing about your neighborhood. You live in a neighborhood where every house is typical.
Tyipcal in the early 1900's is not typical of the 1950's. So what typical are you talking about.

This comment doesn't put you above the average dope in this business, and doesn't show that you gave any thought process to the appraisal.

You are better than doing this type, or lack of thought comment.
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