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The word "Average" in the improvements section - possible bias?

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The term may certainly be used, but context needs to be provided so the reader understands what it means.
The reason it is cited in the Guide is not because of potential bias; it is listed because of the subjective nature of the term if context is not provided. The simple solution is to provide that context.
Where can I find the "context" for the words, "usually", "typically", "exceptionally", "workmanship", "high-grade", "high-quality", "highly", "stock", "acceptable", "adequate", "builder grade", "may", "suitable", "economy", "minimal", "basic", "often", "older", "substandard", "non-conforming", or "standard" as used in the UAD definitions for quality ratings, or the similar list of purely subjective terms without "context" in the UAD conditions ratings definitions?
new is obvious, good is obvious, old is obvious. average is like a c4 with a wide condition range. the problem is that for material items there is no proper synonym to replace it. how about not old. the other problem is those material lines do not allow a lot of lingo. but once again i think the bad word program was thinking people, not material item. me no worry, or care to worry on this one. i believe that is the average feeling here.

Average synonym​

Based on the provided search results, here are some common synonyms for “average”:
  • Mean
  • Median
  • Norm
  • Typical
  • Normal
  • Usual
  • Mediocre
  • Moderate
  • Ordinary
  • Regular
new is obvious, good is obvious, old is obvious. average is like a c4 with a wide condition range. the problem is that for material items there is no proper synonym to replace it. how about not old. the other problem is those material lines do not allow a lot of lingo. but once again i think the bad word program was thinking people, not material item. me no worry, or care to worry on this one. i believe that is the average feeling here.

Average synonym​

Based on the provided search results, here are some common synonyms for “average”:
  • Mean
  • Median
  • Norm
  • Typical
  • Normal
  • Usual
  • Mediocre
  • Moderate
  • Ordinary
  • Regular
or NONN=Not old not new
My software just came back with the word "Average" as a possibly "biased" word for the first time. It has a link that sends you to Freddies page which says "Use of unsupported or subjective terms or statements to assess or rate, such as, but not limited to, “high,” “low,” “good,” “bad,” “fair,” “poor,” “strong,” “weak,” “rapid,” “slow,” “fast” or “average” without providing a foundation for analysis and contextual information".

We have been conditioned for years to provide the condition of the dwelling in the improvements section for Exterior and Interior, when it says Foundation Walls, and you put in that section "Concrete/Good", "Concrete/New", "Concrete/Average", etc. How do they expect us to describe this and not use the word "Average", "Good", "Fair", "Poor", "Excellent" especially when we are using things like M&S that have it throughout the entire Cost Handbook? They want to know the rating we used or they can't recreate the Cost Approach, if they require it, or do a Cost to Cure. Do we start using words like mediocre? But then, there is no rating for mediocre. This whole thing to me is a joke and stifles us on everything, especially when things like "Rapid", "Stable", and "Slow" are used to describe the growing market with new construction. Maybe those words should be changed to "Speedy", "Durable", and "Lackadaisical". So, is it providing "Context" when we are describing the condition of the dwelling, or is it biased?
I'm waiting to be put in the penalty box for using Adverse & Beneficial for location descriptions.
in the end there will be no words left to describe value...simply, in the wide world of wokeness, you are a typical thought criminal, who should have their tongues and fingers cut off :ROFLMAO:
I could ask the same thing about "context" using C4 vs C5 or Q3 vs Q4
remember when that lawyer, who wasn't, used to come on here and whine and cry and boo hoo about the word average :rof: :rof: :rof:
Use the GSA Condition Rating scale.


For example:

Exterior Description materials/condition

Foundation Walls Block/C1-all components are new
Exterior Walls Brick/C2-little or no physical depreciation requiring no repairs
Roof Surface Aggregate/C3-limited physical depreciation
Gutters & Downspouts Metal/C2-little or no physical depreciation requiring no repairs
Window Type Single pane Wood/C5-deferred maintenance in need of some significant repairs.
Storm Sash

Use the GSE ratings picking portions of the comments to fit the condition of the specific item being analyzed

I am sure someone will have an issue with the above...so what is a solution?
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