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Time to leave Alamode!

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No you don't, I have a stand alone version of Wintotal I have it loaded on a PC and on my laptop, it's all only in my name and it is completely fine with Alamode, as long as I only use it on either PC or laptop, just can't use at same time.
I do the same with Clickforms. But I can use my desktop and laptop at same time.
SFREP does not transfer any data between computers or have cloud storage. However, they don't mine your work and sell it to everyone else (including yourself). Nor does work disappear or get corrupted. I use Sugar Sync and it does transfer my work to all of my devices as well as back-up. I like having control of my stuff.
I just use my home network to transfer files between devices.
I do the same with Clickforms. But I can use my desktop and laptop at same time.
You can use at the same time on Wintotal, just has to be same ISP address.
Than what does an ISP address have to do with it

Anyone can use ANY software without being online at ANY time, however, if you want to use Wintotal or any appraisal software, you will need to be online for somethings, like maps (location map, comps map, flood map, etc.)and some other things, that doesn't mean you have to be online 100% of the time that you are using it, you just won't be able to do certain things. What WIntotal does is when you are online using it, they basically spy on you and can see if you are online in different locations, they sent me messages about it before, as I left my office, didn't close out a report, went home and started using Total on laptop and they could see I was using Total in 2 different locations, I got emails from them stating that I was using it in 2 locations, I was in violation of software agreement, blah, blah, blah, we're typing appraisals on their software, not performing some top secret special assignment for some mission.

I just made sure I closed out of everything when I started leaving my office, that's what I have experienced with them anyway, you say you use Clickforms, so you don't have to worry, I'm just explaining my experience with Wintotal, that's what ISP address has to do with it, in my situation anyway.
It makes sense to me. The server license is an add on to the standalone license. If you have 2 offices of which one has multiple workstations then you need two standalone licenses and a server add on for one of the offices. It is not really any different with any other software.

All the things to complain about in this business, alamode is not one of them if you ask me.
Its the, All Things Steve Jobs, business model. I have always said, if Ala Mode could charge us for the air we breath, while using their software, you and I would have thousands in outstanding bills with them. I upgraded to Windows 11. Don't. The OS is fine. But, Core Logic either does not pay to get informed by Microsoft of the changes made to OS systems. Or, they don't know how to fix these issues in real time. My work station constantly crashes or locks up, in use. And, I can move the sales around, within the Quick Source application, so that listings are at the end, etc. Save and close out of QS, the data remains in its original, imported slot. Thanks for giving me a $200 break on this POS. How about a refund! There are many other circumstances that don't work as intended or, crash/lock the program. Tech support's solution: role back to Windows 10. I asked, You don't know when this will be fixed? No. They are working on it.
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