I'm a new member and a trainee appraiser. I'm about halfway through my 1000 hour requirement and just started my online classes for full licensure. I'm currently working for an independent certified appraiser in MI. My supervisor is very busy with low interest rates and has probably made more money so far this year than he ever has, but he's been very stressed with the intense workload (hence the reason to take on a trainee, maybe?). Unfortunately, the stress seems like its really taking a toll on his health. As a young person going into the industry, it seriously makes me wonder if I'm signing myself up for a lifetime of 70 hr work weeks and heart problems. Has this been the case for other appraisers? I understand 2020 and COVID has been incredibly difficult for nearly everyone, but even without the crisis, is the appraisal biz always so stressful?
Also, I would love to hear any other advice not related to stress in the business that you would like to share.
Thank you!
Where are you in Michigan?
Also, I would love to hear any other advice not related to stress in the business that you would like to share.
First of all, let us clear some things up. Is it really only 1,000 hours to get a State License now? After 1,000 hours you will know just enough to be dangerous.
Second, don't focus on the hours or the money your mentor is making, focus on learning and spending a few years with him so you learn the job correctly.
...........just started my online classes for full licensure..........
I strongly advise against taking on-line classes and strongly advise against taking classes from Bob's Skool of Dog Grooming and Appraisal. Yes, there is Covid now but there are live classes available. I strongly encourage you to take your classes from the Appraisal Institute. The pass rate for the two residential classifications is about 50% and it is my belief that the education provider is part of that equation. I can take a 7-hour McKissock class in about three hours. When I take 7-hour AI classes on-line it takes me about six hours.
(hence the reason to take on a trainee, maybe?)
It is my opinion that a lot of people taking on trainees in the last few years are not qualified to take on trainees. Just my humble opinion from what I have seen. Your mentor might not be one of those guys, I don't know. A lot of these "mentors" hand the trainee a list of adjustments and set them free after about a week of little training other than how to fill out a form.
Sidenote: If your mentor is paying you as a 1009 independent contractor that is illegal and you should have some concerns about that.
............but he's been very stressed with the intense workload (hence the reason to take on a trainee, maybe?). Unfortunately, the stress seems like its really taking a toll on his health. As a young person going into the industry, it seriously makes me wonder if I'm signing myself up for a lifetime of 70 hr work weeks and heart problems............
It is common for self-employed people to take as much work as possible. When the sun shines make hay. Appraisers are no different. I have 30 files on my desk right now and I am stressed but most people, in most jobs are stressed. My wife is a Nurse Practitioner at a level one hospital and has been exposed to 400+ Covid-positive patients since March; she is stressed. My neighbor works for a company that has been trying to hire 8,000 people a WEEK and they are stressed. I have an attorney client that is stressed working 7 AM - 7 PM because he has more work than he can handle and then there is another attorney I know of that has no work and that person is stressed.
As an appraiser we can pick our hours and pick how many jobs we do. We can pick our income level. The average appraiser makes about $70,000/year according to some web sites. I think that number is low as it includes assessors. There are residential appraisers who make $200,000/year, but they are the exception, not the rule.
I have a great job that allows me to choose how much work I take, and from what clients I take that work from. There are many appraisers right now that are taking AMC work at fees that are too low and with turn times that are way too short and that is their fault. Maybe your mentor is one of them? I don't know.
In this business, people CHOOSE their stress level. If you CHOOSE to take on terrible AMC clients then that is your choice. If you CHOOSE to buy a house and cars that are reflective of your total borrowing power that is a CHOICE you have made. I am older, and my wife and I could live in a house that is worth twice as much as the house we live in now. We have less stress in our lives knowing that either one of us could not work and we would still be able to pay our bills. Those are CHOICES.
If you CHOOSE to take work that requires report delivery in 48 hours after inspection in this environment you have not only made a CHOICE but a very STUPID one. Not saying that your mentor does that but there are still appraisers doing that in this environment.
As a side note to the above sermon, I am guilty of taking on too much work, but I am the idiot who did that. I also take on goofy stuff like a house and an apartment building on the same parcel. I also just completed a house on 140 acres with three different zonings. That was my choice and all of the files on my desk are my choice.
The stress I have is because I chose to have that stress. I have had two heart attacks and some other thing with a long name that I don't understand but none of those were because I am an appraiser, they were from the choices I made.
Stress is when my wife walked into a trauma in April and the chest tube was put in wrong and she ripped it out with no mask on and put a new one in and then the patient turned out to have Covid. She doesn't choose her stress, appraisers choose their stress.