Oklahoma did a few years ago. Fined and probation, etc. Cannot recall the case or I would cite it.Okay. provide proof that any board has disciplined an appraiser for using a 1004 for private work. I'll wait.
I would be less worried about the possibility of it landing up with the state than bout the probability of the other side's attorney discrediting it - or even the appraiser's client's own attorney.A form is just a scaffolding for your opinions and conclusions. Any form can be modified for any use, but whether the client accepts it is another matter. You should not automatically get in trouble with a state board for using a 1004 in a divorce. It depends on how the report has been modified to fit the use. I am not arguing that appraisers should use the 1004 for non-lending - they shouldn’t - but whether it is worthy of discipline should depend on the specifics.
The state can and has taken action for appraisers (plural) signing a certification with untrue statements such as ‘the intended use was for a mortgage finance transaction’ when it was not. I can say that with 100% certainty being the one who signed off on such actions. One like this is usually not catastrophic in and of itself but could be part of a “series of errors” finding.again. provide proof that this has ever occurred. My belief is that this is just your opinion, not actual fact that a an appraiser has been disciplined for this.
I see no mention of the above on the first three pages of the 1004 except the footer that designates the form number. All of the Fannie speak is on the three cert pagesWell, the form says Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac and federally related transaction all through it.
I have Clickforms. All you would have to do is put the general form in and all the relevant information should transfer. I'm pretty sure I was able to do that in Wintotal too but it's been awhile. Then, look through the whole thing, make sure everything is there and deleted the URAR out. I've done this on the Ole "is it a PUD or a condo" town house, a 2055 exterior liquidation which I eventually got into, etc.Now what?