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USPAP question

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Thanks for the link.
I read the section on supervising of trainees. When it says "may supervise no more than 2 trainees at one time"... what does "at one time" mean?
It would seem like this would stifle growth of companies, and only allow for very limitted entry into the appraisal field.

"may supervise no more than 2 trainees at one time" sort of enters that field of "grey area" for which the Lawyers pratice law. Appears your correct, the "at one time" will probably fall under the category of "IS" and it's many definition's. Also, it allows for an individuals interpretation in their own mind (whew- how scarry can that be :lol: :lol: )

>>supervisor must accompany the trainee to the first fifty inspections. As of note is that if the supervisor is located fifty or more miles from the trainee that supervisor should (must?) accompany the trainee to all inspections>>

And that makes liars out of supervisors more frequently? Which has what effect?

Can I have 2 trainees this week, the two different ones next? or 2 trainees in NC and 2 in SC or TN? So you only get assignments every other week, maybe say 10 or so?? I honestly believe that should someone challenge that it is a violation of Federal commerce laws. I have the right to engage in commerce.

Has the board got STUPID tatttooed on their forehead or what?
Ok people, read the draft ..... it really does spell it out quite nicely!

It is being met with much resistance nationwide. Doubt it will ever pass, at least not in it's present form. Is it good or bad ???

From the stand point of existing appraisers....probably good, would slow down the influx of newbies. We would also be grandfathered on the degree part.

From the stand point of the public....would be both good and bad. Good that newbies would have to have more education, bad because it would limit the number of appraisers (in some areas, could be a problem).

From the stand point of the profession....Good. One of the biggest problems, as I see it, are the sweat shops. One appraiser (licensed or certified) supposedly training and supervising a bunch of rookies. According to our state appraisal board...one of the biggest, most serious causes of complaints.

I personally feel one apprentice is enough at a time. To adequately train and supervise you need to spend a lot of time with them. This would also insure a steady stream of new appraisers.

There is an appraiser here who has 10 trainees.....he also appraises full time, teaches a non-approved appraisal course, and wants to open branches in at least two more cities. What is wrong with this picture? One of his "trainees" told me she could do 5 appraisals a day.

If you have strong feelings about the draft proposal.....attend the meetings being held around the country and let your voice be heard.
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