So if there is no camera, it's cool to run red lights. Check.
Bernie, it was my understanding this recent legislative deal was only focused on flasher cameras and auto ticket deals. And that guy who put together that nice fluff article, must have missed the top google hit, which is the aclu disclosure on the actual saleability of the data.
Did you read the link I had posted earlier, with the 30 page slide show deal? Quick review, and worth the read for the information.
The proliferation of cameras is to sell public citizen data like driving habit, to private business. Yes, that happens. Yes it's happening right now. Yes, they don't disclose that with all of this safety related cover up junk. It's a money maker, plain and simple.
In the course of a few weeks dealing with this, I've ran into all sorts of other opinions and views.
Apparently a lot of the guys just take the license plates off of their car, and keep them in the back, unless they are pulled over or something.
I don't give a flying terd what type of camera it is. I'm a free citizen, and I did not give anyone permission to record me, my car, my driving habits, or anything else. The cameras that cut tickets always flash, these are not the same types of cameras. I brake yellow at those intersections anyways. Always with a shorter yellow light to boost private company profits who install those flasher cams.
I'm going to start a new online business. Big old yard signs and window decals that run side to side. "Stop spying on me bro".
Imagine some of the freedom of information requests about drone spying and such, to reveal that every yard in the area had a big, stop spying on me please sign, laid out on their roof or in the back yard. Same deal for autos. Stop spying on the citizenry. A camera is not going to do a darn thing to stop some idiot driver, not one single thing. Who cares if it's recorded or not. It's not worth it on the balance, to record everything, just in case someone does something wrong. That's guilty until proven innocent mentality. I will never ever ever be cool with these cameras. They've got to go.
Found a pic. it's from somewhere else, but looks like the same thing.
What religion do I have to adopt, to claim religious rejection to cameras?
I cut through corners and plazas now, in attempt to avoid as many as possible. If I turn early, I cut through the plazas instead. If anyone is going to make money on my driving habits, I will be the one to sell my own data to them.