Is lunatic a harsh word?
Bottom like is that nobody wants to talk about it, but the key is over population (relative to labor or professional skill need), and people need to limit reproduction ...and that includes the middle class and professional class who are losing economic ground along with their fellow blue collar and service workers...
There are more jobs available now then there are people to fill them. The problem is some people would rather collect "benefits" than work in a job "below" their false opinion of worth.
Limit reproduction of the professional classes?
Low income people are reproducing at a much higher rate than those who have have upper or higher incomes. Unmarried women (of all races) with limited job skills are producing more children than professional women who are married. The chances of success of these children are a lot lower than those of the children of professional people. These are simple statistics that can be found.
..........The USA has fewer social benefits programs except for the poorest compared to other developed nations so yeah, those homeless people we've been driving past for decades were the canary in the coal mine. Why is China a rising dominant world power ? Besides their emerging from subsistence economy toward a production and now tech/energy power economically, part of their present success was their one child policy....criticize it but helped the generation be in position for jobs and $........
Most of the homeless we drive by have substance abuse problems. We have extensive social benefits for those who have low incomes. Contrary to popular belief, everyone gets health care and a lot of it is "written off" at the expense of those who do pay. What social programs is this country missing? Food assistance......yup. Subsidized housing, we have that too.
The one child policy. If you want to call tens of millions of abortions of females success, feel free. What happened was everyone wanted a boy and since they could only have one child there were too many boys with no girls to marry after 20 years.
What is the average wage in China compared to this country? I know the you?
................. Unless US corporations or businesses see more priority in paying workers well rather than the main $ going to CEO's and shareholders, wages will be flat/low for most . Even if it means their market shrinks in America because less USA workers can afford to buy what they produce their market is global so ........
You have to stop with this garbage because there is no support for it. We live in a society based on supply and demand. Corporations have to make money and you should want them to make money as your retirement and the retirement of most Americans is invested in corporations (there is a lot more to this but I don't have time to teach you basic economics).
There was recent article that talked about the idiocy of the CEO wage and how the average worker would get 13 cents more per hour if the corporations fired the CEOs. Also in that article was the fact that those corporations were only the top 100 in the country.
Sit down while you read the following:
Only 1% of corporations in the United States have more than 500 employees. 95% of corporations have less than 25 employees in this country. At what time do you quit your war on corporations?
You own a corporation (if you don't you should). I am involved in two corporations; my appraisal practice is mine only and my wife and I own another. We have no employees.
.........Tear down our empty shopping malls and decaying inner cities restore land homestead a small plot of land if people can grow food, make things, barter etc better than broke/unemployed living in a car.
Tear down our inner cities that are decaying.........where are you going to put those people (who breed more than others)? Who is going to pay for that? Food growth in Cleveland that sustains anyone? You are delusional.