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so when marin city relied on the appraisal...did the appraisers clarifications help...you are out of touch :ROFLMAO:
Y-U-Sad, bro? And clueless?

As I recall, the intended user allegation didn't pan out for them. They didn't use the appraisal for any decision making. The E&O carrier's settlement was over the (unproven) civil rights/fair lending allegation.
A cursory read indicates no "support" of any sort for adjustments, no rebuild determination, no reasoning behind why comps four and five were given the most weight (presumably because they were borrower supplied), no site value, no cost approach, and, most important of all, NO DISCUSSION OF WINDOW SURFACE AREA!
man - you're really hung up on the window surface thing... :) Yeah, it's kind of fun to scrutinize something they put out - instead of it always being them scrutinizing us. :popcorn:
go troll dw...:ROFLMAO:
What are you crying about? I'm not trolling you. I'm fact checking you. If you would stop saying stupid things I'd stop calling them stupid.
It looks like a chaotic jumble to me, like spaghetti thrown against the wall. I can come up with a simple narrative in just a week that everyone can use. How long have they been working on this mess—10 years?
Cert #4 on the current form:
"I developed my opinion of the market value of the real property that is the subject of this report based on the sales comparison approach to value."

Cert #14 on the new form:
"I based my valuation on the available properties that are most similar to the subject property."

Count on our good friends to make things as esoteric as possible. Were they sold properties or active listings? How do you base your valuation on an available property that hasn't sold?

Another interesting aside: while the current Cert #4 does touch on a CA (even though it doesn't state that the appraiser is free to weigh the CA in the reconciliation), the new certs make no mention at all of the IA or CA (that I can find).
And if not arms length, don't even need to be sales it seems.
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