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Welcome to the new 1004

So much for the unethical stakeholders wanting same-day delivery of the report! Look at this mess— the appraiser is going to need a sleeping bag and a lifetime supply of coffee just to survive a 24-hour inspection! Alone! I mean, who knew a simple report could turn into a solo camping trip? :ROFLMAO:
No one has mentioned this, but the trends for increasing, declining, or stable have been removed. Might as well as most appraisals going to the GSEs are marked perpetually stable anyway. LOL

Geez....and here I thought they wanted to get rid of appraisers.

It appears one would need a class on how to fill this out properly as to not get stipped to death....

A couple of observations...

Page 4, are we going to have to do a cost to cure on every single report for deficient items? For example, if the roof appears to be at the end of its useful life, do I have to estimate what it would cost to replace it?

Page 7, broadband internet available? Come on, you would think one would get rid of the minutia, not add to it.

Page 9, disaster mitigation!? But on your hard hats!

the sketch page seems to be plunked in a rather odd position...

What's front door elevation? Ground level? Accessed by stairs?

Wow...3 pages for the grid! It appears order of operations is out the window. So much for the side by side view in Wintotal. I liked that feature.

Moving on to page 36 (Lol) Cost Approach.....this whole thing reminds me of Microsoft Windows 7 to Windows 10. After looking at the cost approach in all the forms for a couple decades +, you would think they'd keep the format the same. It looks so foreign.

What's with the "cooperative interest, Pro Rata Share Calculation Method" in the opinion of market value section?

Once again, on page 37, there's a section for apparent defects, damages, and deficiencies. We're asked to be a structural engineer and estimate the cost to repair.

I didn't read through the certifications. I also didn't see the C ratings. Are the C ratings gone?

I get what they're trying to do. Instead of the appraiser inserting the sketch, photos, addendum, Etc. in the order they like around the main form, the powers that be are organizing the order in which they want every appraisal that comes in Nationwide to be.

Problem is, it looks as if they did it hungover from partying at 15th Street the night before.
The cleaned up the C#23 verbiage (now C#25) to cut djd and others from deliberately misinterpreting the possession vs intended user issue.

cert 23 is clearly written...it is not my fault you cannot comprehend...but why would you care it is not like you do 1004's anyways :ROFLMAO:
in which the shills will not quote this...but the gse's are now appraisal companies...waiving appraisals with a push button...except for east cleveland and marin city...so our competitors want us to fill out their new forms...quit drinking the kool aid :ROFLMAO:
cert 23 is clearly written...it is not my fault you cannot comprehend...but why would you care it is not like you do 1004's anyways :ROFLMAO:
Fannie was told at the outset that their wording was going to be misinterpreted by the uninformed (like you) but they said the ASB was in error (!!!). So since they didn't correct their error the ASB issued advice that appraisers should clarify. If you haven't been doing that then you're the one who is in non-compliance.

But this time around they made it donkey-proof so that not even you can get away with the mischaracterization of what intended user means. GSE -1; djd09 - 0.
Page 4, are we going to have to do a cost to cure on every single report for deficient items?
Yeah, I've never been a fan of CTC's. Like I'm a General Contractor (in addition to all the other hats we have to wear). I have no idea what it would cost to repair something - that would depend on how much money someone wanted to spend...
Yeah, I've never been a fan of CTC's. Like I'm a General Contractor (in addition to all the other hats we have to wear). I have no idea what it would cost to repair something - that would depend on how much money someone wanted to spend...
Surely the GSE's have artificial intelligence resources for that sort of information however they're going to want appraiser input regardless to "fine-tune" them.
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