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Nov 29, 2006
Professional Status
Certified Residential Appraiser
Welcome Concerned Appraisers!!

This sub forum was opened to allow our group of concerned appraisers access to each others thoughts concerning the appraisal board and DOS. It has been made private so that we can discuss, without distraction, what we can actually do to make things better.

There are many valid reasons for keeping this subforum accessable to password holders only. Please do not share the password without discussing it first. You could possibly compromise a members job status if you give out the password.

I have not received all the polls back yet but the ones I have received have very good issues that should be discussed and brought to the boards attention.

some of the concerns are:
supervisors and trainees
substandard education mills
BPO's being ordered instead of appraisals.

all of these issues affect us and all are something that the board can do something about. What is needed is a good core group of appraisers to keep in their faces until they actually do something and that good core group is us!

Personally, i have been contacting elected officials offices to find out why they have inelligible people on the board (not certified, not enough general appraisers, seats empty, seats that have gone past legal tenure) I will keep you all apprised of how I do with that.

Also, for those of you that do not know, I am a regional advisor for DOS. when they have a complaint in my area it is sent to me and i give my opinion as to the quality of the report and recommend any sanctions or punishments. Due to this position, I have access to Ernest Delaney, the lead DOS investigator for licensees. I will be able to answer many questions on how DOS and the board work and how complaints are processed.

I look forward to exchanging ideas with you and getting NYS back on the right track!

Jo Tetherow
Hi Jo,

Thanks for taking the time and effort for setting this up. Also thanks to the mods; setting up this subforum allows us to keep these discussions on this site rather than having to take them elsewhere.

Also, as you already know, I'd be more than happy to be appointed to a board seat. At this point it looks like I will have to wait. FWIW, I will have my general cert within the year.

keep working on that CG, Dave. with the speed of burocracy it may be a year before the seat becomes "vacant". )
The idea and theory behind the invitation only, makes sense now....
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you are most welcome, ken. :)

now all we have to do is get our ship together and prepare to "meet the board" :)

I will be contacting the vice chair (Rex Bryce) tomorrow or the next day to ask him what the other board members think of the suggestions we have made that i forwarded to him. and what he thinks about the BPO situation which i also have informed him about. Much hangs on what his answer is. I believe it will not be easy to make changes to the board members so if we can work WITH the board, that is better. I will be encouraging the board to work with us as well. With the webcast, they can come out looking good or bad. it will be their choice.

It seems to me that we have 3 very good issues to go forward with, supevisors, schools and BPO's.

so we need to develop questions to ask, reasons why we want the changes made and ideas on how the concerns can be addressed.

for example, supervisors and trainees. we all agree that something has to be done? why? well, posts on the board from appraisers looking to "sign off" on trainees statewise is a good reason. and the proof is the printed thread that shows the ads for this service. proof is what we need. hard facts that support our position. Hard facts that will shoot down any whining from the board about how hard it is do get things done. If that answer is given then i will be the first to stand and say "what can I do to help?".

any thoughts?

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I suggest the first notion to be dispelled rapidly is the mistaken idea that some new law must be passed in the legislature to empower necessary, "radical" ??, changes. The "Powers of the Board" are already enumerated........and they include authorization to create any necessary rules, regulations, and/or mandatory procedures to ensure that UPSPAP (adopted in its' entirety into NYS Appraisal Law) is complied with.

Typically, a focussed, concerted Compliance Enforcement element requiring adequate funding was either inadvertently, or intentionally, omitted when the Board was initiated.

DOLS Enforcement is currently administered on a "part time" basis as Mr. Delaney and his staff are [ direct quote] "also responsible for enforcement of all NYS Professional and Occupational Licence Laws and Regulations. This MUST change.

As we discussed, the first priority of any recommendation for significant revision to the current "status quo" MUST include a method of adequately funding and "intra-departmental" budget to include aggressive enforcement of EXISTING Appraisal Law.

A prior discussion isolated a focus on a "Supervisory Certification" with maximum number of licensed assistants. I fully support this tool. I recommended, and still recommend, a Surcharge of $500. per "trainee" payable upon License Renewal by those who wish to Supervise. Even at discounted volume rates, 1 appraisal completed by a trainee in 1 year under the direction of a Certified / Designated Supervisory Appraiser is a ....pittance. The additional license renewal fees STRICTLY dedicated to a full time enforcement effort including expanding the base of Regional Advisor/Investigators who should be Certified Appraisers.

3000 traines are running loose in NY - representing an Enforcement Budget of $1.5 million over 2 years = $750,000. annually.

No new Law, No Legislation

Strictly in adherence with the Mandate of the Board since its' inception.

By comparison - for example ....... a Taxi Cab (sole proprietor) License (Medallion) in NYC ......... (not sure currently) ........used to be in excess of $5,000. (probably 10k these days) clearly worth it, deductible business expense, and pays for necessary Taxi Licensing Division adminstration. Don't pay - lose your Medallion. Black & White. Simple, but, clearly effective. Multi-cab Medallions yield multi-license fee revenue.$$$

Only then, when DOLLARS are involved, will Supevisory Appraisers "belly up to the bar" ........and DO what their Certification requires......



I suggest ............the LARGEST OBSTACLE to enforcement efforts, and the most prevalent argument as to why essentially NOTHING has been done to clean up our industry, ends when the $$$$ are NOW "in the budget".

I also recommend an on-line "HOT LINE" via link / email of "hard copy" advertisements by (a)ppraisers who solicit "free comp searches", and PDF copies of DEMONSTRABLY unethical, incompetent, and clearly fraudulent appraisal reports.

I also recommend the Appraisal Board VOCALLY, and PUBLICLY, demand NYS subject Mortgage Originators to similar Licensing requirements Appraisers live with daily.

ok......... back to work ....... feel free to shoot.

(thanks Jo and all participants).

the way that the board and DOLS is set up, i dont think it is practical to try and get them to have a separate "commission" for appraisers. Way too involved for our little fledgling group.

I think we should try something a little less complicated for our first try.

maybe like the suggestion of having a state list of supervisors and their trainees so supervisors/trainees can be tracked. this could be augmented by better use of the RA"s (which Ernest is in favor of) making calls/whatever to see if a supervisor "did inspect".

or increasing the requirement of certified supervisors having to have 5 years in as certified to supervise. (i just checked and the new law does do away with licensed supervisors)

a bigger issue than the 2 above would be to try and get them to make NYS a mandatory state. Get rid of the BPO's unless the realtor is going for a listing.
or outlaw this new product that appraisalport has come up with which is basically a BPO with our E&O attached.

I am still thinking about the concern that Dave has regarding substandard schools. im not sure how we can prove they are substandard. Got any ideas on that, dave?

lets start small and go from there.

oh, BTW, everyone, i discovered today that it seems the board members are playing musical chairs to "satisfy" the 2 term limits. cheating cheating cheating. they take turns being chair, vice chair etc. really pathetic. defeats the purpose all together if you ask me. NOONE oversees the board so it really is up to us to make any changes. anyone know any high up policicos?


I am still thinking about the concern that Dave has regarding substandard schools. im not sure how we can prove they are substandard. Got any ideas on that, dave?


send several state representitives to the School as undercover students....

do a search on this site for Fat Man, Dount guy, Dr Bill, Merrill,
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That we will have to talk to Ernest about since they are the enforcers.
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