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What is the deal with all of the profile photos of dogs

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My old Buddy has always been my profile pic, well, not always, but at least for the last ten years.

What would the moderator do. Thats what you should be asking yourself.
i will say this for the guy appraisers. when i got my little guy and he was this little puppy, that summer i met more women walking him that i did in my past. don't really have a rear yard so i walked him 6 times a day. it didn't seem to bother me going out all those times.
Did you assume my species? Don't be so judgmental. I'm a dog but I use a surfer cartoon as my avatar.
I prefer cats. After my dog was too aggressive and would "ruff ruff" at everyone I had him fixed. Now he goes, "Bowsy wowsy, Bowsy wowsy"...
I'm feeding and taking care of four stray cats. I had to get the three females spayed because they would have kittens almost every month. The one thing about cats is that their survival instincts are impressive. One of my strays knows precisely when I get home and chase my car from a block out.
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