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Windows Tablets For Fieldwork

Hi Joe,

I don't shop a lot, but the regular "e-coupon" sites (slickdeals.net, etc.) are usually pretty good about keeping up with the current promotions. I usually "bolster" my searches by being involved with several enthusiast blogs, forums, etc.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

This past summer, I was told that UAG (Urban Armor Gear) would be releasing lightweight rugged cases for the Surface Pro 2 and Surface Pro 3. Today, I note that the SP3 case us up for pre-order in Rogue (red) or Scout (black) for $69.90. The SP2 cases are shipping and commonly available for about $40 (vs. $60 retail) so hopefully, the SP 3 case will soon be available at similar savings. FWIW, I found that the SP2 case works as advertised and was surprisingly well made.

More info (on SP/SP2 case) is here: http://blog.urbanarmorgear.com/urba...-the-microsoft-surface-pro-and-surface-pro-2/

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+



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For those interested in the "latest & greatest" there is now an official "first look" video of the Lenovo ThinkPad Helix 2 at the link posted below. The video is pretty dry, but at least they confirm some items which were previously under information embargo - the most important being that it is, indeed, a Core M CPU (fan-less - yea!) for better performance and increased battery life. Also shown is the rugged sleeve, which I was advised would not be even mentioned until Q1 2015... My sources say it'll be starting at $999 MSRP for this 1.8 lb, 11.6" full tablet with Wacom active digitizer (and touch, of course.) Early preproduction units were glossy screened, but my hopes are that they continue to use the semi-matte screen like on my current Helix (1) - we'll see. There are two different keyboard options (the one most want will reportedly not come until Q1 2015 (this is mainly a production and "V-Pro related item), discrete TPM (for those who care), smart card option, desk dock, QuickShot cover, etc., etc. etc. Of course, I am already in line for a retail unit and I'll report on it when it arrives - I am restricted from commenting on pre-production units with respect to several details and besides, it wouldn't be fair nor particularly relevant at this point.

I can say that this is a worthy upgrade to the original Helix and true ThinkPad fans will like this one, but for those who lean toward things like the SP3, you may want to see my upcoming comparison between H1 and H2 so you can get an idea of what a future (?) Core M Surface Pro could offer.

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KoaM1WfW9g

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+


So am intrigued by this one. This is as close as a desktop replacement as I have seen based on the accessories. Still thinking of replacing my X220T. This thing looks versatile. In your personal experience, what may it lack (whatever you can comment on), as compared to X220T?

Chris Wagoner
Bayview Appraisals
Hi Chris,

Sorry so late to reply. Basically, there is nothing I can say beyond what is already known (published) by other reputable reviewers - that is, just stick to the facts and disregard the speculative items that the more dweeby types interject into their "reviews." ;-) That said, the biggest "unknown" is how well their (binned) choice of the Core M CPU will compare with the raw performance on your X220T. My opinion (speculation) is that this Core M will likely perform admirably for you in the raw horsepower department unless you are really taxing your X220T with some unusually heavy programs and/or a LOT of multi-tasking. Just the basic synthetic tests using a variety of loads bodes well for you, but feel free to send me a list of programs and use case scenario description and I'll do my best to duplicate it as best I can and report back once my retail unit arrives.

I still much prefer a 16:10 screen aspect ratio over 16:9 and it continues to baffle my why Lenovo continues to use 16:9 in their business class devices like this. Of course, your X220T is 16:9, too, but keep in mind that your X220T is a 12.5" screen vs. the LH2's 11.6" screen and the aspect ratio thing becomes a more important item for most regular users as the size decreases (and our ages increase, LOL.)

On the plus side, you will notice (and appreciate!) a much more svelte package, which is a great thing for mobility. Of course, you'll still have a "desktop replacement class" device with ThinkPad-level build - and it'll likely run out to cost less than your X220T. As it is, however, I believe you're looking at a circa Q1 2015 purchase scenario since the better of the two keyboard docks is not due until then. I rather like the initial keyboard for mobility purposes and found it adequate for my mobile needs, but since you are "spoiled" (LOL) by the X220T's keyboard, it won't meet your high expectations for feel and ports, etc. If you can live with waiting for the "full" keyboard dock and make do with the mobile variant, then I believe you'll really like the LH2.

I hope to be able to compare the narrow class of LH2 competitors in the next 60 days, but it is tough since "The Usual Suspects" are taking a different route with respect to screens and accessories... If you can deal with a larger screen, I was surprisingly impressed with the Envy X2 (13.3" screen) but I think I still prefer the SP3 for those who are not in grimy conditions and high-brightness conditions, even though the SP3's older CPU has a fan. IF MS offers a proper (Helix-style) keyboard dock and Core M on the SP3 in the future ("SP4"?), and you are nearing a very healthy competitor IMHO.

[Edit] Here is a link to a short "Feature Overview" ad for those just wanting to get a quick glance at the LH2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YMZZjB6kIs
Outside of the "niggles" on screen size aspect ratio, etc. noted above, I really like this device and consider it to be a worthy upgrade to my LH1. The funny thing is, that the closer a device gets to our personal ideals, the more "nit-picky" we become - at least I do ;-) I also appreciate that the video shows the rugged cover since this sort of thing isn't shown in most videos.

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

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Hi Randall,

Are you able to confirm that Apex Mobile will work on IOS 8? It says IOS 7 in the apple app store. I am severely tempted by the iPhone 6+ to use it as a phone & a data collection device.

I have yet to see a screen in the sunlight, but haste read a review claiming some sort of new polarization treatment & greater contrast makes daylight viewing practical. Of course, I'm skeptical & would always carry black umbrella along:laugh:

I probably need the 64GB, hah? It appears that the camera is great in low low light. I suppose I will need to bring along a cheesy wide angle lens adapter. zi've seen them advertised for iPhones.

My original reply somehow evaporated into the ether. I'm sure it was eloquent ;-) but it's gone, so I'll just summarize... I cannot confirm that it works on iOS8, nor the new iPhones. I do not have either model ATM and I don't know when I'll get them. iOS is not a big thing for our primary customers at this time and I must concentrate on their needs first. IF I were to decide to try and support them, I'd want to completely re-do the app anyway. It's possible my enthusiasm might change later, but at this time, it's just not near the top of any of my lists...


-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Side note.

This item will likely become something for a new thread, but I thought I'd drop a short note on this here because it definitely affects your use of Win8.1+ Tablets in the near future...

We've been working with the Windows Technical Preview - aka "Threshold" (or Windows 9) early build(s.) FWIW, even though we all know that things will change between now and Q2 2015, I am liking what we're seeing and I believe most users will, too. We're seeing a number of opportunities for program enhancements ranging from ergonomically-based "convenience" tweaks to "under the covers" technical changes. Basically, what most folks who really do have access to this stuff, and who are reporting what they can seem to be focusing on the more obvious cosmetic items. The big ones are, of course, still pertinent to your ability to feel more comfortable with things, how they work, etc., so I don't mean to sound as if I believe the cosmetic changes to be trivial.

Those of you who are, at this stage, interested in this stuff are cautioned to take the predictable "mainstream" press articles coming over the following weeks with a grain of salt, whether they be trashing or praising the changes. The fact of the matter is that there is no "official" build out yet and there will not be until later this month. Those who have been invited to the next official preview (maybe 50 people, total!) will sit though a short (1 hour) presentation which will likely have some interesting items (and some spin, to be sure, LOL.) This preview is meant for Enterprise customers, not consumers. That said, the items covered are (from what I have seen) very likely to be of interest and benefit to appraisers since you are business users, and from this perspective many items apply to your usage. Things like (consumer-type) media players and (consumer-type) "social media" topics are not in the mix. Yes, there ARE "media" and "social" aspects to big business - just not the types that are covered by the consumer-oriented mainstream tech press ("bloggers.") My advice is to just basically ignore most of what you are likely to come across in most blogs for the time being and wait for more substantiated articles from writers who actually know what they are objectively writing about (vs. being speculative and/or biased) toward the end of this month. Even so, this will continue to develop as more is officially revealed throughout the end of this year and the first quarter of 2015. I'll be reporting what I can, and paring things down to the items which are most relevant to productivity-related items for the subject - Tablet-specific here and more general in a new thread. By then, there will undoubtedly be many accurate (and inaccurate, LOL) sources which cover the more generic and/or consumer-oriented items, a multitude of screen shots, videos, etc.

You folks have a lot of good things on the horizon and I believe that it'll all (mostly, anyway) "come together" this next Spring... :-)

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Those who have been invited to the next official preview (maybe 50 people, total!) will sit though a short (1 hour) presentation which will likely have some interesting items (and some spin, to be sure, LOL.) ...

The event is scheduled for tomorrow, BTW, and I endeavor to be in a position to comment on it this Wednesday. I will, of course, strive to keep it short and pertinent to Tablets. Some "core" features obviously apply across the board...

On another note, I am getting reports from trusted sources that ASUS is entering the Enterprise/semi-rugged space with a couple of laptops. I have no news of a new Tablet from them at this point, but it wouldn't surprise me, either, if one were announced next quarter. The little I do know about the upcoming laptop, looks promising.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

OK, just a short note - about the only thing unexpected was the official name - Windows 10. Almost everything else was already known, though my man on-site reports that the presentation was good. There is sure to be plenty of info, pro and con, posted on various sites today and throughout the week, so I again urge you to take a lot of the extremes with a grain of salt ;-) We'll simply KNOW more when we're able to work with the newer bits and get some more feedback via the various developer channels, etc. I expect the hubbub to die down by the end of the week and get back to more mundane elements and more sensational topics :-)

I'll give germane feedback when I have something meaningful to share.

In the meantime, we're seeing lots of announcements for super inexpensive Windows tablets coming to market next month. I have used a couple of engineering samples and some are junk while others are pretty decent, given their specs. Once again, the weak point of these devices is the lack of mobile-optimized appraisal software ATM, so my advice is to skip these sub-$200 items if you want to use them for your regular appraisal programs. Anyway, if you are excited by these devices, just realize that this is just the beginning - there'll be several more later this year and throughout Q1, 2015 and I expect a plethora of even better ones in mid-to-late Q2.

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

W10 Enterprise "First Look" video

Well, THAT didn't take long - they've posted the video of the presentation on YouTube. Watch it only if you're really interested in this sort of thing, but keep in mind, this was just an introduction to Enterprise types, so while you'll see some new features (mostly to help Win 7 Enterprise types feel better), this is really only the tip of the iceberg - NOT a full feature presentation, so you can't really get a feel for the full boat experience. That said, you'll likely see some things to like :-) Based on my own experience with early bits (incomplete and random-sampled by design), it won't be until late this year/early next year until we're comfortable projecting or discussing details as they relate to the customer base. I do not recommend running any production machines on the forthcoming preview build.

FWIW, I am also told by people I trust, that we're looking at later in Q2 vs. earlier for official builds with a high degree of a complete feature set. By design, there will be changes to the final release for everyone based on real time and collated user response(s) to different feature sets, etc. (Hallelujah! - real world feedback is vital IMHO.) Hence, I do not expect to see shipping W10 devices before summer. That said, I am confident that devices built for Windows 8.1+ will be just fine - there are no known new system requirements for W10, so purchase decisions should be based on the relevant features and implementation of same to YOUR needs. In each of the last several Windows releases, system requirements have gone down, not up. We obviously don't know about final build metrics yet, but I am seeing increased performance on pre-release bits, even though it is not optimized. So, you don't need to plan for the need of some monster CPU/GPU, etc. In today's world, connectivity, RAM and ergonomics are the things to focus on.

OK, here's the link to the video. If you have questions, I'll try to answer, but lets try to keep it related to Windows Tablets (and closely-related) hardware items. You know I can't discuss specifics covered by NDA and mostly, the stuff I think most of you care about, are easily explored by running consumer pre-release builds which will come in various stages over the following months.

Enjoy! A First Look at Windows 10 - YouTube

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

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