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Windows Tablets For Fieldwork

Thanks for the continued updates. I read an article today that predicted the future for Windows is cheap dual use tablet/laptops due to the perception that Win devices are "throw away" tech. I can't say I agree with the "throw away" part, heck most tech has a short life span (think 3 year old iPhone). But I really think Windows will regain dominance once all of the OEMs figure out the new market.
Yeah, I think I take issue with the "throw away" rating, too, but it certainly is moving into the much more affordable category. Generally speaking, the lower prices are welcomed, but I worry about folks being seduced into buying inadequate configurations based on price alone.

For example (given my recent posts on Dell Tablets), the Venue 8 Pro 3000 costs $200 today but has only 1 GB of RAM. The Venue 8 Pro 5000 is $250 but has 2 GB of RAM. If one's desktop system (which almost certainly has a more powerful CPU/GPU than an 8" Tablet) sometimes struggles with 4 GB when running full applications, why would folks thing that a 1 GB device will suffice? This is why I am constantly letting folks know about the availability of devices with 4 GB... Until your software provider offers programs which have been optimized for mobility, you're better off springing for the devices with adequate RAM. Heck, HP just announced a $100 7" Tablet (http://store.hp.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/us/en/pdp/tablets/hp-stream-7-tablet---5701) and while it should be OK for light browsing and other content consumption, it is not reasonable to expect it to run your (say) "Full URAR"-type software... In the latter editions of Win 8, the OS overhead has been dropping, and new licensing terms ("$0) for Win 8 has helped manufacturers deliver less expensive devices, one has to know that you need more than this to run the type of software being used by members here. We'll see an even lower threshold for system specs with Win 10, and new version of software should help keep hardware costs in check, but until then, folks should be considering 4 GB as the sweet spot for today's environment.

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

IF anyone here is using the ("previous" per new model forthcoming) Dell Venue 11 Pro and has been frustrated/underwhelmed by the substandard pen performance, I have some good news. Dell has quietly released a new pen and users are reporting that it works MUCH better - some even claiming that it rivals the performance of the NTrig pen on the SP3 (!) I have not confirmed this myself (our remaining V11P has moved out of my "sphere.") The users reporting this are appraiser types and not prone to gush over things ;-) but I checked at a few Tablet enthusiast sites and folks there are reporting similar results from the $35 upgrade.

Here is a link to the new pen if you want to check it out. http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/...X72e9e5b5f2366d0955ae14fb70ca3768&AID=5146289

The fact that this new pen (designed for the new V8P, V11P and L13) and drivers pretty much confirms to me that Dell is using a revised version of the Synaptics system used in earlier models and that they have been working on performance issues reported by users. This is a good thing because, outside of my dislike for 16:9 screens, the DV11P has been a popular device for many of our Enterprise type customers due to the overall reliability (pretty tough), user-replaceable battery, sensible accessories (desk dock, 2 different keyboard docks, etc.) and the ever-important (IMHO) availability of a factory accidental drop protection plan. The "touch" portion of the Synaptics system has always been a great performer (they are a leading manufacturer of track pads, after all) but the active pen part has been... ummm, well "a work in progress" would be a kind way of saying it ;-) I have documented in the past that, to their credit Dell has been proactive in sending out revisions to both the firmware and hardware - sometimes even sending us (and other end users) new pens without them even being requested. That said, even though the "old" current pen is MUCH better than the initial versions, the performance still lagged behind Wacom and NTrig (and even the Atmel used by some HPs) but if the reports I am getting are accurate, then this is great news for VP8 & V11P users and gives me encouragement for the prospects for the new ("7140") version of the V11P (and perhaps the potential V8P "refresh" mentioned earlier.) I have ordered the new part and will report my findings. As I mentioned, I have a new ("7140") VP11 on order but the new accessory pen should arrive before my unit hits. I'll likely do most of the testing on the new ("7140") tablet, but I will also test it out on older devices.

One of the reasons I believe this to be significant is that every indication points to new/refreshed Venue Pro models being available soon. That generally means that folks can pick up the previous models at a discount or get the new one(s) at similar prices to the previous models (perhaps even a little less), thus giving folks a choice. Personally, I prefer the prospects for the newer model based on projected performance metrics, but in truth the "old"/current models perform adequately for our purposes IMHO. Anyway, for those looking for a viable "2-in-1" device, the Dell Venue 11 Pro is a worthy device, available with Bay Trail (5000 series) and Core i3 or Core i5 (7000 series), especially7 when paired with their keyboard dock. Their keyboard docks (photos and descriptions in earlier posts) are available in either "soft" or "hard" (with battery) versions.

Prices (today) for the V11P start at $430 and go up to $1,100 all maxxed out. Again, given the situation of most folks here not (yet) having their software properly optimized for mobility, I recommend the minimum device being the 7000 series (they do not yet offer a Bay Trail unit with 4 GB of memory here) at $800 or $950 with LTE. IF, however, you can live with 2 GB of RAM, the 5000 series model at $500 ($630 w/LTE) is a viable option and has had good feedback from our users (except for the old pen issues.)

Oh, remember to factor in about $25 for a good anti-glare screen protector if you work in a sunny environment.

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Just a short follow-up to my previous post on the new Dell pen. Ours came in and I can confirm that it works without new drivers, etc. on the Dell Venue 8 Pro and Venue 11 Pro. The initial sensitivity was too high for my personal tastes and when I went into the settings, I noticed that I had it set all the way to max... I now remember doing this due to the original pen being so poor, and I had neglected to set it back appropriately when new revisions came along. I currently have it set a little lower than standard and it is working fine. It seems a little too sensitive to me ATM, and that MAY be a driver issue - I would anticipate new drivers at some point. Anyway, if you have a current Dell Venue Pro and have been less than satisfied with the performance, I can recommend getting the new pen.

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

BTW, the VP11 7140 is live on Dell's site now. Initial prices were high with the "instant savings" being hidden until check out, but now they show up front. Basically, they are ranging from $699.99 to $799.99, depending on how you configure them. Note that all models are currently configured with the Intel Core-M 5Y10 which targets lower energy consumption. Like Lenovo, the models with the beefier 5Y70 should be out in early 2015 (?) That said, the current models run most software just fine today - just don't expect Core i7 performance (or even Core i5) if you run heavy loads (which you should not be doing on a mobile device anyway.) Basically, you're getting near Bay Trail battery life with a noticeable processer boost, but the biggest "seat of the pants" item is that they use a much faster storage medium interface (real SSD vs. eMMC), graphics back end, etc. So, if you were attracted to the Bay Trail devices but were pining for a bit more horsepower, then Core-M is for you. I happen to feel that these hit a sweet spot and the biggest issue for ME is the 16:9 screen. I can live with it, but wish it were at least 16:10, given the way most software (menus, task bar, etc.) work today. As always, I recommend a good anti-glare or anti-reflective screen protector for sunny environments.

Link to Dell page: http://pilot.search.dell.com/7140

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Fujitsu is now showing their new Stylistic Q555 2-in-1 Tablet - an updated/tweaked replacement for the Q584 which is popular with Enterprise types and some folks who routinely work in inclement weather. The Q584 was the one I showed planted in the sand so a wave could crash over it -almost lost it to Moby Dick with that dumb move, ha ha!

Basically, even though it has more "guts", this new model is a bit lighter and will have better performance along with a (reportedly) longer battery life. It is a dark grey color and offers a 1920 x 1200 anti-glare screen yea! The previous model had a 2560 x 1600 screen which frankly, was overkill and lessened the brightness. I have no real world numbers yet, but the lower resolution should help this model fare even better for the kinds of environments that most appraisers face on a daily basis. I'm happy that they are specifically calling out the design for outdoor use!

Like the model before, it will be available with a lot of factory accessories (desk dock, keyboard dock, cases, straps, etc. Oh, and both USB 2 and USB 3, a 4G option along with TPM, fingerprint reader, NFC, Smart Card, etc., etc., etc. The accessories look to be slightly modified from the previous models, more than likely due to customer feedback.

We won't see this one in the retail channel until after the first of the year (2015) and it is being initially configured to order for larger rollouts. I'd say that late Winter/early Spring is a reasonable time frame to look forward to seeing this unit be available to individuals.

I'll report back on how it compares to the Q584 as well as the other competitive units once mine comes in.

[Edit] In the meantime, here is a link to a video at the German unveiling. Fujitsu Forum 2014: STYLISTIC Q555 tablet-PC - YouTube

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

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FWIW, I am getting initial field reports from our Enterprise testers (actual appraiser types who are using units in the field for testing prior to their organization ordering/deploying) that the new Lenovo Helix 2 is outperforming the Dell VP11 7140. What I am hearing is that the Lenovo screen fares better in outdoor scenarios and that the Dell is measurably slower when running "full applications." That said, the DVP11 was rated as being "considerably better" than the previous model with respect to the 7140's Core-M CPU vs. the Bay Trail model. Oddly, I'm not hearing any negative reactions to the 7140's lack of a removable battery... This may be due to the increased run-time or (more likely) the fact that most of the folks who purchased the extra battery (against my recommendations, I might add, LOL) ended up not ever using them and hence found them to be an unwise purchase. Field reports are still strong on the propriety of getting an inexpensive "car charger" and just keeping it in the glove box for "what if" situations. The touch and pen system in the 7140 is getting "considerably better" marks compared with the earlier model, but they still fall behind the Wacom and NTrig systems used in the Lenovo and Microsoft SP3 devices, respectively. Those with 4G (LTE) units are reporting similar performance numbers between the Dell and Lenovo, but we cannot completely rely on these reports yet as they are primarily not North American units (and, more importantly, not North American cellular providers) since units with a 4G option are not yet publicly available here yet. Users are reporting that they like the keyboard docks for the Dell better than the single offering for Lenovo, but once the better keyboard dock for the Helix 2 is available (weeks there, early 2015 here), I suspect that will change. Lenovo makes absolutely the best keyboards in this class (and laptops) but the Dell unit with extended battery is a close second or third, depending on your preferences for feel. At present, logs indicate that the higher-spec'ed Lenovo has about the same battery life as the VP11 7140. We've logged 13 drops (one person was responsible for 7 drops alone, LOL) and 0 breakages in two weeks, and we've had one Dell that was DOA and two Lenovos that needed a wipe before deployment. These numbers are pretty low for such new units, comprised of early production runs, and this bodes well for the regular launch dates. I have good expectations for these two units and am anxiously awaiting for HP to announce their competitive offering.

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Only slightly off-topic (yes, there is a Win 8 Tablet connection here)...

Many of you know that I favor buying devices from the Microsoft Store when I can. Their "Signature" devices are free of bloatware, which makes them run like they are supposed to, whereas most devices you get today from big box stores and/or other on-line retailers are so weighted down with crap that they simply aren't as reliable or run as well as a clean machine. I also find that their prices are in line with other retailers and many times I can get the MS Complete Care option which adds an accidental damage protection aspect. They don't have a plethora of devices to choose from (they "hand pick" devices to carry) and they do not carry some of the really specialty devices that some of our Enterprise customers require, but mostly, it is a good place to consider buying things IMHO.

(Oh, BTW, the tablet I bought Wayne is the HP Stream 7 and I do not recommend it for folks here! The device itself is fine - I bought it because it only has 1 GB of RAM and I like to push him to not get lazy with his coding, relying on gobs of RAM. Our software runs just fine on low resource devices, but most of what you folks might be using in daily practice really does need 4 GB IMHO. 2 GB will work, but 4 is simply better.)

Anyway, I was ordering a really low end Windows 8 Tablet for testing purposes today for the lead developer of MS8 and noticed that the Signature Edition of it was available for $99 as part of their "Black Friday" items. The banner enticed me to "click here" to see the upcoming offers, and I took the bait :-) What I found among other reasonable deals was one which may be of interest to some readers here...

On November 27th, they will be offering a Dell 28" Ultra HD 4K monitor and an MS Surface Pro 3 dock for $499 (it is $699.98 today.) Here is a link to the MS Black Friday page. http://www.microsoftstore.com/store...yID.67001100?icid=HomePage_TopStripe_BF_11914 The SP3 dock alone is $199...

You should note that this particular monitor is not one of Dell's high end 4K monitors - you didn't really think you could get a high end monitor for $300, did you? LOL. The main "slam" on this monitor comes from folks fixated on the 30 Hz (vs. 60Hz of the higher end units) and mainly comes via "twitch" gamer types. (Oh, and yes, I consider myself a gamer and have an über system at home, but at work I use WorkStation type equipment.) I have found, however, that for regular work stuff (and, yes, even video) this monitor works just fine. Do I use one myself? Well, no - my eyesight these days pretty much dictates that I use a different setup. At present, I'm using a 34" 21:9 @ 3,440 x 1,440 monitor at my office desk and having trouble getting used to it. The actual screen quality is superb - I'm just used to "taller" screens. I'll be investigating new monitors over the next few months - always searching for the best set-up... Anyway, IF any of you have an SP3 (or plan to get one), this might be the deal for you... :-)

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

Well, Lenovo is FINALLY showing the ThinkPad 10 with mobile Broadband as being available here in the US :-) The link below shows all four models with retail pricing between $539.99 and $749.99. The models most here should consider are $629.99 and $749.99 as they have 4GB of RAM and 128 GB of storage. (The other two both have 2 GB of RAM and 64 GB of storage which is really bordering on insufficient if you are running the most popular appraisal software programs.) For perspective, I noted some time back that I was able to purchase the model shown at $629.99 for close to $500 via an Amazon listing, so I hope we can find similar savings once the $750 model is available from other on-line sources. FWIW, I have been well pleased with my TP10 but I am anxiously awaiting the availability of the Helix 2 with 4G LTE in early 2015. The Helix 2 is, of course, larger and weighs more as it is geared to be more like a laptop with removable screen.

Link to Lenovo page: http://shop.lenovo.com/smb/us/en/tablets/thinkpad/thinkpad-10/

I'll let you know when I find the new TP10 with 4G LTE at a good discount. Currently, the regular sites either don't have this model listed or they show it as pre-order at retail (or above!) prices...

Hope this helps!

-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+

BTW, since my US retail version of the TP10 with 4G is due to arrive this week, the non-4G version I bought for just over $500 is going to be redundant. We have PLENTY of devices here for testing, so no need to keep it. Hence, if anyone here is interested, I'll let it go for $450. If you are an Apex user, I'll include an Apex v6 license. The unit itself is a bone stock device with 4GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. The Wacom pen is, of course, included. The box it came in is not perfect in appearance (came that way, LOL) but is structurally sound, etc. If you are truly interested, just PM me, but please don't write unless you really want it. My mail box here is always near to being completely full since I get (and return) a lot of PMs. Happy to send pix, etc., but really - there is nothing special about it and I'd hope that my word on condition, etc. carries at least a little weight here ;-) I don't have time to go back and forth on this - if you want it, you want it, and if I have to spend time on it, I'd just as soon give it to an employee and let them take their current device home for a child or spouse...

Maybe I really should go through my list of devices as I have waaay to many just sitting around, no longer serving their intended purpose(s.) If folks are interested, I can put together a list and push it out. That if for another time, though, so please - only PM me if you are interested in this particular TP10


-Randall Garrett-
+Apex Software+
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